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nicest keyboard ever?

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    My Samsung E-720's front screen is OLED. The quality is nowhere near that of the LCDs you find in colour phones / GBAs but it does it's job.

    As for the price - with the keyboard being touted for a 2006 release and me looking my monitor here which cost me ?330 one year and one month ago and costs ?139.99 now... Seems like the evil cogs of capitalism may well bear fruit... ;-)


      this is a bit off-topic but does anyone know where I can get an imac stlye keyboard for a pc?


        i use a usb mac keyboard with my laptop pc as my desk is quite small so it lets me use my mouse properly (i.e. in CS). it works fine, with all the buttons mapped properly including windows keys. haven't tried scroll lock, page up, etc, but i don't see why they wouldn't work.

        the keyboard is the grey/white one that came with the g4 towers. i also have the transparent button-less mouse (the whole top case presses down) that works fine with my pc (obviously no rmb)


          Cool! I can use official apple keyboards! bet they cost a kajillion pounds though guess I should check there website. cheers billy


            found a new "nicest keyboard ever"


              Originally posted by DavidHolliss
              I would sooooo buy that simply for how cool it seems, even though it's not practical, and costs ???'s.


                **** that looks like something out of bladerunner, ide get one if i could justify spending that kinda ???


                  They don't work particularly well apparently, from what I've seen of the reviews - especially if you touch-type like I do. Keyboards need some kind of feedback, so you know you've hit a keypress. So gimmicky yes, practical, no.


                    The other issue is to do with RSI type problems. Tapping away on a desk isn't very good for the tips of your fingers.

                    As Marty kinda mentions, the feedback your fingers receive from a normal keyboard is kinder and better for you. Wouldn't be too much of an issue if you never/rarely type I suppose.

                    Bloody cool thou, and looks completely Bladerunner-esque. As one of the guys on that site mentions, really useful if you're pushed for desk space.


                      booo! the other keyboard's way cooler than that!

                      i just tried what gtskater was on about - tapping the desk with my fingers for a bit, and the difference between desk and tactile, springy key feedback feels like the difference between jumping about bare-foot and jumping about with nike air max's on.


                        might not be practical but certainly one to impress the ladies

