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Name this PC game

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    There was a great moment in LBA1 when you had to hide in the house while the army raided it. Ahhhh bliss.

    I seem to remember the game having great music too. And horrible box puzzles


      i never remembered taking on humans in E2, just demons, goblins,wolfs, flying things and witch, strange the way both those games look timeless, i think im gonna have to dig E2 out from under the bed.

      also Die by the sword rocks, the demo is a right laugh(took me a whiel to figure out the boat bit) gonna hunt it down on ebay.


        Originally posted by PeteJ
        Estacia and, brings back memories LBA was so epic and smart, loved it to bits. Twinsun rocked, too!

        For some reason when someone mentioned Esticia it reminded me of Bioforge on the PC. Now that was cool. Shame they never did the followup.
        I got my first PC in 95 and decided to buy Bioforge/Ecstatica and LBA. What great games! Bioforge blew my mind, it was so epic compared to my console games. Ecstatica was amazing too- loved the atmosphere and speech! LBA is still a nice game- I like the graphic style!

        Sadly in those days PC's were out of date within a year- and after trying to play the latest games in 97 I gave-up and just used my machine for other stuff.

        That's one of the best things about PC's these days- the technology lasts longer!

        3 of the best!
        Last edited by Leon Retro; 23-07-2005, 20:25.


          LBA was so epic! That was a truely fantastic game. There was so much freedom to run around and explore the world. And the music! I have to dig out the CD and rip the main theme when I get home.

          Btw, does anyone here have Bioforge? I always wanted to play it after having great fun in the demo when it first came out.

          Beating a guy to death with his own arm scarred me for life!

          Also: I contend that Die By The Sword was impossible to play with that control system. You could preset moves to the Numpad, which is how I completed the game. Great fun, mind. *choppy choppy choppy*

