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Pal or NTSC XBox 360?

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    Indeed although I think POP3 is coming out for 360 too. Sub standard conversion won't be a problem because of the way the 360 works, 60hz will be in all games and we don't often get games that are cut any more, the last PAL game I can think of that was cut was ninja gaiden


      Games are cheaper on import at the moment - Kameo is about ?26 and other titles ?32 at dvdboxoffice, ?40 at Play and other UK sites.


        merged with previous thread of the same question.


          Some games are still 50hz ONLY in PAL such as Doom 3 and Sonic Mega Collection Plus on the Xbox.

          Thankfully both these games are region free.


            Any game that is region free CAN'T be 50hz only as it wouldn't work on an NTSC console. I've used a PAL doom 3 on my console that outputs NTSC


              I should have made myself clear - PAL versions are 50hz only while the NTSC versions of those games are 60hz only but multiregion therefore playable on a PAL console in it's natural speed.


                Thats a bit odd, I can't really see that being the case as doom 3 is a live title


                  So if I am reading this right every game on an XBOX 360 will be in 60hz? This might be the case for HD stuff, but for me I'm afraid I'll be using good old RGB scart - will all games be 60hz for that?!

                  It's always been so easy and clear cut to figure out which region console to get, but with this one there is just seemingly so much to consider!


                    yes cause the xbox has a 60hz mode to select in the options so i think the 360 will have it


                      I hope so, I've been very impressed with the PAL xbox - very little difference to the US one.

                      Also is it possible that the 360 will be like the original machine - that is, it seems like it's mainly software that determines what region it is - I mean with the right stuff you can easily turn a UK XBOX into a US one with no problems at all, and vice versa?!


                        Contrary to my earlier post, games are not much cheaper from Canada - dvdboxoffice are using an old currency converter, which I only discovered when I saw my latest credit card statement. The 360 is about ?290, not the ?243 quoted on the site, and Games are about ?40. I think I might cancel my pre-order and wait a while ...


                          sorry for the gayness but will live be region free?
                          i've just had to cancel my order due to the forseen shortages but I'm going to the US late november so I might pick up one there (only if I can play on live when I get back)


                            those that are getting us 360 machines where have you lot ordered from ?


                              Originally posted by fatbatch
                              Contrary to my earlier post, games are not much cheaper from Canada - dvdboxoffice are using an old currency converter, which I only discovered when I saw my latest credit card statement. The 360 is about ?290, not the ?243 quoted on the site, and Games are about ?40. I think I might cancel my pre-order and wait a while ...
                     is the currency converter I use.

                              Also, if buying games from abroad better to use a credit card that doesn't charge a currency conversion rate. The majority do and this can add 2%-3% onto the amount. Nationwide are one of the good ones who don't charge such a fee.

                              As for Live being region free - no one knows yet but the Live kit was region free for the Xbox.


                                for all of you lot getting US consoles, where have you ordered them from?


