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Opera (full version) for free!

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    Opera (full version) for free!

    Apparently only for 24 hours though so hurry. It eliminates the ad-bar in the free to use version.

    Thanks for pointing that one out - I would never have noticed it if you hadn't.


      Very nice find! I always wanted to try this on my Mac but ads or paying for it put me off. Time for a test drive


        Thanks for the tip. Might as well stockpile a registration code in case I ever have any reason to switch.


          Yeah, I made a pdf of the page it gave me for future reference as well. Seems to have come on nicely since the last time I used it.


            Holy crap! Excellent find there Babs.

            I was looking at Opera the other day when Firefox was giving me jip but the banner ads put me off.

            This is excellent stuff
            Last edited by Spatial; 30-08-2005, 15:51. Reason: me no write too good today. brain hurt


              Nice find. I've got my registration codes and will be giving that a go.


                Ahhh the best browser on the web, for free. cant beat that


                  Mmmm it seems rather good. I like better than Safari because it doesn't jam on eBay. One thing I want to sort is wheel-button clicking a link to have it open in a background tab. Is there a keyboard shortcut you can press when the mouse is hovering over a link so it'll open said link in a new background tab? Shift + Command + Enter works but I have to have the link selected first which is no good.


                    Something that's annoying me at the moment, if you view some pages (like a picture attatchment on this forum) it doesn't allow you to go back to the previous page

                    edit: scratch that, its opening them up in new tabs (which were hidden). Sorted now
                    Last edited by Spatial; 30-08-2005, 19:36.


                      I've not had issues with FireFox, and I like the tabbed browsing. For what reason should I look at Opera, especially given it seems to be, in normal circumstances not free unless you want the ads?


                        For me it's the fact that it sails through any webpage with ease, whereas my Firefox locks up and dumps me back to the desktop on certain sites (like YesAsia for some reason).

                        If Firefox works for you, I see no reason to go elsewhere


                          I'm not sure if Firefox has it as well, but I really like the mouse gestures in Opera, since i only have a regular 2 buttons + wheel mouse, which means i can go back and fowards and close tabs by drawing command shapes with the mouse. It's a great little program, though I can't help but feel my Opera is slowing down with old age. Does it get clogged up with rubbish over extended use or something?


                            Other great things about Opera for me are the possiblity to re-open recently closed pages, and the fact that it remembers your tabs when you close the whole browser (in fact, that's the reason I didn't use Firefox, don't know if that's possible now)


                              Oh, forgot to say: thanks for the hint!

