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Memory stick stuck in my PSP

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    Memory stick stuck in my PSP

    Right, I have a 6 month old PSP, and been using a 512mb Sandisk memory stick. Recently I bought a Sony branded 512mb memory stick, and replaced the Sandisk one that was in the PSP.

    Now, the memory stick seems to be stuck in the PSP, and I can't seem to get it out. It seems to be inserted correctly, as the memory stick shows up in the PSP browser. When I try pressing the card (inwards) it just doesn't move and pop out.

    Anyone have any tips on what to do, before I try to contact the place where I bought the PSP from?

    have you already go the sandisk one out???

    apparently the sandisk ones - albeit great pro duos dont pop out - you have to use tweezers to get it out

    even though its identical to a Sony one - it just wont spring out


      I've got a sandisk and never had this problem.


        Originally posted by buster_broon
        have you already go the sandisk one out???

        apparently the sandisk ones - albeit great pro duos dont pop out - you have to use tweezers to get it out

        even though its identical to a Sony one - it just wont spring out
        That's the thing, the Sandisk one was great. When I used to pop it out, it came out no problems (although admittedly not as smoothly as the one bundeled with the value pack). I'd heard about Sandisk horror stories and found it a bit strange I had this happen to me with a Sony branded card.


          I've had no problems with Sony or Sandisk cards. My initial problem was not realising I had to push it in first. I did get one out safely before I realised.


            Anything else from anyone? Seems as if the card has split in half......


              I had the same problem using a Sandisk 1gb stick in my old Japanese PSP. I tried loads of times to get the damn thing out, but gave up in the end, as I didn't want to risk damaging anything

              Ended up selling the PSP with the memory stick still firmly lodged inside it, and now have a UK machine.

              Hope you manage to get it sorted.


                Dammit!Getting a new PSP isn't a problem, since I bought from an importer in the country, and it seems they will honor any warranties on imported units, despite Sony's bull****. My concern was keeping my PSP, since it's a V1.5


                  What's the inside of the machine like? Is there any way of opening it up to get the card out?


                    Originally posted by Lyris
                    What's the inside of the machine like? Is there any way of opening it up to get the card out?
                    There's a grand total of 3 screw visible, and weirdly enough, 2 of those are on the ths ide of the memory stick slot. The screws are very small, and I don't want to end up voiding my warranty or biting off more than I can chew. Seems as if getting it replaced is the only option


                      Did you try tweezers? I did read about sandiscs having this trouble but i have a first gen psp and the blue sandisc 1gb and no problems taking it in & out at all. Maybe a call to sony because surely the memory stick shouldnt fall apart & damage your psp....


                        Originally posted by angelx
                        Did you try tweezers? I did read about sandiscs having this trouble but i have a first gen psp and the blue sandisc 1gb and no problems taking it in & out at all. Maybe a call to sony because surely the memory stick shouldnt fall apart & damage your psp....
                        I was up all night playing with the tweezers, trying to get it out. Plus I don't think a call to Sony is the wisest option, seeing as how mine is an import unit.....

                        I get the feeling some of you think I have a Sandisk memory stick stuck in the PSP. This isn't the case. It is in fact a Sony branded card which is stuck. I've been using Sandisk for about 6 months now, and no problems whatsoever. As soon as I put the Sony in, this happens.


                          Originally posted by themanwithapc
                          I was up all night playing with the tweezers, trying to get it out. Plus I don't think a call to Sony is the wisest option, seeing as how mine is an import unit......
                          I'd call Sony mate.

                          You're making a claim under the warranty for the memory card not the psp after all. The fact it's stuck suggests there must be some kind of manufacturing defect. I seem to remember hearing of a similar prob with some early Sandisks where the outer casing was a fraction of a mm too thick causing them to stick. May be the same thing?

                          I don't think Sony will be too fussed what type of PSP you have as it's only the people selling import psp's they're cracking down on. If they even ask about it you could just tell them you'd picked it up on a recent visit to Japan. At the end of the day it's a Sony product and they have an obligation to put it right for you.

                          No point risking trashing your PSP to get it out. By this point I'd probably have been doing something daft like sticking screwdrivers and all sorts in (& started contemplating squirting in a little fairy liquid to try & lubricate it)!


                            Originally posted by tom-nook
                            I'd call Sony mate.

                            You're making a claim under the warranty for the memory card not the psp after all. The fact it's stuck suggests there must be some kind of manufacturing defect. I seem to remember hearing of a similar prob with some early Sandisks where the outer casing was a fraction of a mm too thick causing them to stick. May be the same thing?

                            I don't think Sony will be too fussed what type of PSP you have as it's only the people selling import psp's they're cracking down on. If they even ask about it you could just tell them you'd picked it up on a recent visit to Japan. At the end of the day it's a Sony product and they have an obligation to put it right for you.

                            No point risking trashing your PSP to get it out. By this point I'd probably have been doing something daft like sticking screwdrivers and all sorts in (& started contemplating squirting in a little fairy liquid to try & lubricate it)!
                            That is what I was getting at. The Memory stick warranty, not psp.
                            ty Tom


                              Alright thanks people. I'm simply waiting on the place where I bought it, to give me a reply on my warranty. If all else does fail, I will give Sony a ring during the week.

