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Is this TV HDTV compatible?

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    yes but all the tv lcd's/plamsa's i've seen with dvi connectivity(there aren't many sd sets with dvi) are hdcp complaint(its generally only pc monitors with dvi that aren't) so like i said, it is a recent adopted term so people dont have to get technical instore.

    HD READY was designed as a logo to stop comet/currys/dixons staff talking through their arses trying to explain dvi/hdmi to customers .
    Last edited by AlwaysAce; 11-09-2005, 10:26.


      HDCP is actually a pretty new technology, if you have a TV with a DVI over a year old, there's a fair chance it doesn't have it.

      I see the point your getting at though, I just think that HD-Ready certification is a good thing for consumers too!



        this Tv has received almost perfect reviews in several magazines


          hitachi are excellent, their plasm's are good too.


            I`m looking at going for the sharp LC-26GA6E when released in the next couple of weeks. HD Ready, Fast response time (even quicker with quickshoot on) HDMI, component, vga and imo sharp produce some of the best lcd panels around. Price is ?750 for the 26inch.



              Originally posted by Hodge
              I`m looking at going for the sharp LC-26GA6E when released in the next couple of weeks. HD Ready, Fast response time (even quicker with quickshoot on) HDMI, component, vga and imo sharp produce some of the best lcd panels around. Price is ?750 for the 26inch.

              Hmm, I dunno whether to wait for this, or to go out and buy the Samsung. I'm so confused


                I returned the samsung a few weeks back. The tearing i found to annoying (it has been solved now though with a firmware update) and there is no manual backlight adjustment, so you have to rely on the backlight sensor. In my opinion the sensor lowers the backlight to much in the evening making the picture to dark. Also the sensor is disabled over vga with the backlight being on max, meaning playing games or whatever over vga in the evening will blind you unless you have a pair of these on 8)

                The sharp i can thankfully say has a manual backlight adjuster so you can set the backlight to how ever bright or dark you want it.

                The samsung is a great set though but having had the samsung for a month and demoing a GA4E, the sharp has the edge picture wise with the image looking more colourful than the samsung. If you can put up with the samsungs backlight sensor, then i would say go for the samsung. If you want more control over the backlight on your screen (and this is a must if the lighting conditions aren`t great in your room) then go for the sharp.
                Last edited by Hodge; 11-09-2005, 15:16.


                  currently leaning towards this tv at the mo...


                  Does anyone know if the company is repuitable as this is the cheapest price with a stand that I could find.


                    Does the Sharp have VGA, Hodge? There's no mention of a VGA input on it


                      Yes definatly has vga, says so on sharps site and a tech specs sheet i saw. Not 100% certain what resolutions it can do over vga though, but people have managed get a 1:1 pixel map on the GA4E so there`s no reason why this one can`t.


                        Hmm, I'm gonna have to wait for the Sharp, and find out what people think about it.

                        Another question (might be a silly one) is the Sharp wall mountable? I think the Samsung is, so that's why I asked.

