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are xbox 360s now freely available, because...

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    normally i wouldn't go for expensive packages myself, but i think that comet one's pretty good as things like that go. i mean, i would definitely have bought pgr3 with the console anyway, and it's always kind of a nuisance having just 1 controller for a while when you buy a new machine.


      Perfect Dark is good (well I think so anyway!), I really wouldn't bother with Quake 4 at all, Ridge Racer 6 is awesome and Dead or Alive 4 is great too!

      Kameo is also good fun, and will keep you busy for a good few hours!


        what are the graphics like on perfect dark?


          The actually graphical effects are lovely, but some people have problems with the actual graphical style of the game.

          Saying that, I love the game


            i might try it, but i'll be getting call of duty first.


              I like the graphics and the style on Perfect Dark myself. Very enjoyable game.

              Call of Duty 2 is superb! Fantastic game, looks amazing too. Can't go wrong with that one!


                Call of Duty 2 is ace! PGR3 is a great purchase and with live good long as you find races without immature Neo-Yanks!


                  I walked into Leeds HMV about a week ago and got mine no probs they had a big sign outside saying 360s back in stock, limited stocks or something like that

                  HMV were fantasic though and after all the horror storys i had read about the forced bundles i was quite worried about how much i was gonna get stiffed for. The guy serveing me sorted out a gamer card which got me ?15 of my first game which was quite cool and at no point did he try and upsell the bundle they were doing or refuse to sell me the pack due to me only buying one game, and i think i got the last premium too as he had to go check to see if they still had any.

                  Comet on the other hand where i had checked before were ****e the guy in front of me got the last premium, and im kind of glad he did as they stiffed him with a forced bundle of cheap 3rd party rubbish, dvds, faceplates, and a minimum of 3 games for about ?500, the cheapest pack was a core system bundle they were selling for about ?359

                  The maniger told me they were on strict orders from head office to ONLY sell the systems in bundle, i just really hope this sort of rubbish is sorted before the ps3 launch.
                  Last edited by Lebowski; 06-02-2006, 09:02.


                    I got mine two weeks, rang up Currys in Derby (Kingsway) and picked up a premium pack (?280) and didn't have to buy anything else with it. Around the same time 'Another world' in Derby, however, was selling just the premium pack for ?380 and you had to buy a game on top of that!


                      Originally posted by Lebowski
                      I walked into Leeds HMV about a week ago and got mine no probs they had a big sign outside saying 360s back in stock, limited stocks or something like that
                      Hmmm... I must have missed that. I noticed Dixons in Leeds had a sign outside two weeks ago when I was on my lunch, but their stock ran out before I could decide if I wanted one.


                        My local ASDA got a huge stack of them, Premiums and Cores freely available to those with the cash.


                        My missus told me to buy one, but I was soooo gobsmacked by what she said I bottled it, thinking it was some kind of trap.


                          Originally posted by gunrock
                          My missus told me to buy one, but I was soooo gobsmacked by what she said I bottled it, thinking it was some kind of trap.
                          LOL! That's the funniest thing I've read in ages!

                          I had a similar experience while looking at guitars. I ended up buying one, but to this day I don't know whether it was a double bluff on her part.

