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360 help needed!

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    Bugger, didn't read that properly sorry. Wipe the whole HD?

    Hmm, I don't know about that. Achievements are saved after all, it just depends on how much stuff is on there and how badly you need to keep it. Also depends if Hexic is on there. Once that's gone you can't get it back


      A tough one eh?

      I'm inclined to think it wont do **** anyway once wiped.

      Ill give it till the next RR update and see if that changes anything,then wipe i guess.


        Can you just not try the machine without your HDD attached?


          Done that mate. Still wasn't having it.


            the update is nothing to do with the hdd, i have a core system online and it updates just the same.


              Originally posted by Friction
              Can you just not try the machine without your HDD attached?
              Do this. It will determine whether or not your RR6 save got corrupt during the update as it will attempt to boot it clean. Perhaps even make sure you're completely logged out of Xbox LIVE as well.

              Other than that, go back to your router and see if you have a DMZ option which is basically where it opens all ports to a specified IP address so set a static IP for your 360 and make that IP the DMZ.

              For opening ports the main methods are:

              DMZ - De Militarized Zone, no security, all ports open

              Manual port forwarding - What your doing, opening ports case by case basis

              uPnP - Universal Plug and Play, the router determines when to open ports based on network traffic it receives and requests made.

              In my experience uPnP mostly never works with Xbox LIVE, it does but some games seem stricter than others, mainly PD0 and PGR3 where the 360 is concerned. Its a right finnicky bastard and I tend to switch it off.

              Manually port fowarding does work but it depends on your router and again if your NAT address check comes back as anything other than Open you will have issues.

              DMZ should work in all cases but has zero security, it isnt such a big deal for consoles though unless someone decides to maliciously hack 360s in future.


                Cheers mate

                Found this page,which was the only mention anywhere of DMZ. Reckon that's the right one?


                  Yep thats precisely the right one... put a static IP on your 360 and then put the same one in as the default DMZ server.

                  Re-run the 360 network settings check afterwards and with a bit of luck your NAT setting should be Open.


                    NAT came back as strict. Ive now assigned an ip of

                    A subnet mask of,and a gateway ip of (the same as the router.

                    Failing at dns. Ive looked in the router and 'get from isp' is checked.

                    Any idea what it could be?


                      I was always told (as I'm no expert on this, so someone feel free to correct me if I'm talking wack) that the DNS varies depending on the ISP. Best thing to do is phone them up to obtain it - they should be able to give it to you straight off.

