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Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition PC Probs

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    I gave up on it. It looks wank! Off to dig out my PS2 version once more...


      same here with a 360 pad i really wanted to play this too thought it looked ok on my 6800gt all up full it runs well also


        BUMP any update on this issue as of yet ?


          no, i posted my question to ubi

          this is it, look at the bull**** they are giving me...

          Customer 07/28/2006 17:46
          What you have just said is a lie. I know for a fact it is, because i have spent many hours visiting many communities on the net regarding this problem and some people don't even have it.

          If you own a logitech rumblepad 2 or a ps2-pc adaptor, the left analog stick will be used for movement and the right analog stick for the camera. if anyone else owns any other type of controller the sticks have been reversed. the only fix for this bug is to either buy a logitech rumblepad 2 or a ps2-pc adaptor. This shouldn't be an option because it is listed in the minimum specs you can use a generic usb pad. This has to be fixed!

          Response (Ubisoft technical support) 07/28/2006 16:22
          Hello Jonathan,

          In this case the game is designed with the right analog stick for movement and the left analog stick for viewing control. There is no way to be able to change this as its the way the game has been designed to be operated.

          Kind Regards,
          Ubisoft Technical Support.

          Customer 07/27/2006 10:50
          that won't help fix the problem.

          Response (UK Technical Support) 07/24/2006 13:58

          In order to fully troubleshoot the problem that you are having please try the steps below:

          1. Delete all temporary files from your system.
          Navigate to C:\Windows\Temp and delete all files in this folder.
          Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\*Your User Name*\Local Settings\Temp and delete all the files in this folder.
          You may need to turn on the ability to view hidden files and folders to do this. To do so, double click My Computer, then click Tools and Options. Then click View and select the option to view all hidden files.
          Then reboot and try the game again.

          2. Close down all background tasks.
          To do this click Start, then Run, then type MSCONFIG and click OK. From there click on the tab marked startup.
          For Windows XP users click the button marked as Disable All, then click Apply and Close.
          For Non Windows XP users, please remove the ticks from all of the boxes apart from the below four and then click Apply and close.
          Once this has been done, please reboot the computer and then try the game again.

          3. Reinstalling the game.
          Please uninstall the game, then delete the folder that is left behind. Then reboot the computer, reinstall the game and reboot again. Then install any patches that are available for the game, reboot the computer and then try the game again.

          4. Run a thorough Scandisk and Defrag on your computer.
          From the Start menu please select and run a thorough Scandisk of your computer's hard disk drive. Then run the Defrag option from the same menu.
          Then reboot and try the game again.

          5. Update your drivers.
          Please ensure that you have downloaded and installed the latest drivers for your video and sound cards available from the website of the card manufacturer. Then reboot and try the game again.
          If all of the above have not resolved your situation then please reply back to this e-mail attaching the information from the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
          To do this click Start then Run and type DXDIAG then click OK. From there select the button marked as Save All Information and save the text file it creates. Then attach that file to the e-mail and send it to us.

          Kind Regards,
          ubisoft technical support

          Customer 07/24/2006 10:53
          "I purchased the game today and the performance of the game is fantastic. but the controls are seriously bugged, i am using a usb dual shock(looks like a ps2 pad) control pad. First of all the movement is controlled by the right analog stick, the control is all backwards. pressing right on the right analog stick would go up etc. In the options screen there isn't an option to change the movement controls at all, the game is totally unplayable this way. i was hoping you could help me with a fix. The movement analog stick should be the movement stick."

          This a follow up to a question i posted awhile ago. I am still getting the same problems above and i have done some research and it pretty much happens with every user who owns this game who is using a usb gamepad.

          I definetly can't play the game like this, so i have checked the manual and the minimum specifications for the game to find out what control pad to use with it. you claimed in the previous question that not all control pads work correctly with this game. So, in the minimum spec and manual all it lists is a generic usb gamepad. please could you give me a recommendation for a pad that will work 100% or fix it and give us the patch the online community is demanding.

          Auto-response 07/24/2006 10:53
          Our system has detected you have requested information regarding a PC title.

          To enable us to process your query we need further technical information regarding your operating sytem.

          Please send us your dxdiag, if you are unsure how to retrieve this information please follow the instructions below

          From Windows, click Start->Run
          In the Open: box, Type DXDIAG
          Click the save button to save the file as a text file in your Desktop.
          Click the back button in this browser and attach the file at the bottom of the page.

          Failure to supply this information now will result in an automated response being sent at a later stage and may delay your query being processed.

          Title: What is the Resident Evil Devil MaY Cry pc specification

          Title: Where can i find Devil May Cry PC pc requirements


            my left stick on my wired 360 pad does nothing at all and the right is movement impossable to play like this


              in the end i just bought a logitech rumblepad 2. it works perfectly, you should have to do this when the minimum spec clearly states a generic usb pad. i heard buying one of these does the job aswell


                the reason i got the game was so i didnt have to go near a dual shock lol


                  Originally posted by dvdmike
                  the reason i got the game was so i didnt have to go near a dual shock lol
                  post a question to ubisoft like i did. the more people who will get into contact with ubisoft and be angry about it the better. at least it will annoy the ****s.


                    BUMP anyone got this working with any controllers yet ??


                      sold mine eventually. i'll just get the pal ps2 version next week.


                        There is a patch out for the game that lets you set controls for your gamepad + a few fixes but not all gamepads are supported


                          where is the patch?


                            Sorry to resurrect this topic from the dead, I normally curse when people do stuff like this, but was a solution ever found for the control issues (to map the movement to the left analogue stick)? The game is a few quid now, and I'm quite tempted if I can ise my 360 controller.


                              I'm not 100% certain but i think the patch v1.3 fixed the control problems but not with all controllers


                                Does anyone know if the patch allows people to use wired 360 controllers? I'm playing through Devil May Cry 4 on, so I'd like to move onto Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition next y'see.

