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Xbox mod chips vs softmod + quiet case fan

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    Xbox mod chips vs softmod + quiet case fan

    I'd like to convert my PAL Xbox into a video streamer (i.e. stream directly off my PC via patch cable), so no need to change the HD.

    I want to retain Xbox Live.

    I'm not bothered about backups, but want to play imports (Xyanide is out in the US!)

    I'd like to be able to enable 480/720p for when I get a flat panel.

    Do I need a chip or is all this covered by a softmod?

    I have a v1.1Xbox with the latest bios and kernel.

    I've had a look on xbox-scene but there are so many articles it's difficult to figure out what's what.


    If you're only going to stream video from your pc (using a crossover cable, not a patch cable unless you have a switch inbetween), you could just softmod it and keep the small drive in there I guess, just install XBMC and stream aweh.


      softmod and modchip are basically the same thing - only the modchip will let you turn it off, and revert back to an "unmodded" console - e.g - live safe. I haven't looked into soft-modding for ages, but last time I did, you couldnt go on live with a softmodded xbox, cos they'd detect the changed BIOS or some jazz.

      However, those wonderful hackers may have changed that now!


        Not sure about the Live side of things these days but a soft modded machine can do pretty everything a chipped one can other than be easily disabled.

        There's seems to be a common misconception that you can't fit a larger hdd into a soft modded Xbox. You can but it just takes a wee bit more time to do. It's not difficult though.


          So if I want to continue to use Live (at least until I get a 360), I'll need a chip to be sure? By the time I've bought Splinter Cell and a usb memory card, I'm half way to buying a chip anyway. Where's good?

          I'm told I can't stream video off the PC to a 360 unless I have windows media center. Is that right?


            i've used many a time and am very impressed with them


              You dont need to use a chip to play on live. When i had my xbox, it was softmodded so it would turn off the mod if you ran a retail disc. It's been a while so i dont remember the specifics of how it works, but what kind of media you put in decides what mode it boots up in

              This was about 12months ago

              no media=softmod mode (which is great for XBMC as you can even make it run automatically)


                After reading dandy sephys post, i did a quick google;

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                It seems as long as you keep the stock HDD, and keep it "locked" (I think you only need to "unlock" it if you want to switch it for a new one) - the softmod should work fine!


                  Smart. I'll give that softmod a go first then. That usb cable on play-asia looks dead useful and will save on the cost of a memory card. Many thanks all. I'll let you know how I get one
                  Last edited by charlesr; 24-08-2006, 16:54.


                    Back through the mists of time, I got my Xbox chip from Whitedog who weren't the cheapest, but sent me free bits and pieces for repair purposes when I managed to bork my mod, 1337 haxx0r that I am.


                      I had mine chipped by and the service was great and quick. The web site has changed since I last looked at it.


                        I have chipped and softmodded xboxes.
                        Softmodding is fine and can be disabled.
                        Search for Softmod Installer Deluxe v2.0 and it works with all exploitable games inc. Splinter Cell.
                        It has a menu to install and remove and I'm pretty sure if you booted a game disk it would appear vanillla as the softmod would not be loaded.
                        There are also instructions available on how to use almost any USB memory device inc. mp3 players, cameras etc as a way to load the save game onto the xbox.


                          You are at a disadvantage already having been on Live with that console. If you have a Live virgin console, you can install a larger hard drive prior to signing onto Live for the first time.

                          I run both modchipped and softmodded Xbox's and for ease of use, the softmod is the better option. Its especially good if you have a v1.0 or v1.1 xbox as those have larger Bios chips which means you can split the Bios multiple times to run multiple bios'.

                          I have a hardmodded xbox which I take to lans and it has had the modchip removed and replaced so many times now that it often comes loose in transit, which means I have to take tools with me so I can re-seat it at the venue. Big pain in the arse which a softmod would avoid. Its also a Live box though, so I'm kind of reluctant to see if I can flash the bios without getting a ban.


                            I found soft modding to be a pain in the arse and for the price of a chip and solderless adaptor these days and ease of installation for me there was no contest.

                            I have a memory card Charles if go that route.


                              I've already ordered the usb cable from playasia, so I'm going to try the softmod. The v4.5 blocks Live if the mod is on. I've no need to increase the size of the HD (will be purely streaming vids and running original games). If my usb stick doesn't support the softmod, I'll borrow that memory card please.

