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Controller connection issues

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    Bluetooth uses frequency hoping so other bluetooth devices shouldn't cause interference.


      You haven't got Halogen lights in the area your playing have you. Wasn't this said to destroy the wiimotes signal, or was this just a viscous rumour before launch ?


        Originally posted by Simmy
        You haven't got Halogen lights in the area your playing have you. Wasn't this said to destroy the wiimotes signal, or was this just a viscous rumour before launch ?
        Yes I do but it wasn't on...


          Originally posted by S0L
          You weren't microwaving your tea were you :P

          If it's the pointer stuff, check for heat sources - apparently strong lights and candles in front of you can causes problems, as if they're hot enough, they emit infra-red.

          If it's general sensitivity, it could be something interfering with the bluetooth signal. You're looking there for anything putting out something at Bluetooth frequencies, so maybe mobile phones, USB Bluetooth dongles, maybe even something wifi.

          I'd change the batteries though, if they're not putting out the right voltage, it would probably muller it. That and don't wear lead gloves :P

          lol no microwaves, no.

          There's two laptops running Bluetooth but I had one in the hotel and it didn't interfere, besides it was on sleep.

          I'll try the batteries later and let you know.


            Found the problem. Wireless TV/video sender in the same room basically completely muted the audio being sent to the Wiimote, unless put in standby, or if I stood basically between it & the console.


              Cool. Nice to see you sussed it out. I thought maybe it could have been a problem with your projector seeing as Gib seemed to be having the same problems.


                Originally posted by DavidFallows
                Cool. Nice to see you sussed it out. I thought maybe it could have been a problem with your projector seeing as Gib seemed to be having the same problems.
                as it happens I have one of them crappy videosenders too. Figured the stickyness was to do with the IR transmitter thats why it needs the increased sensitivity. Over the moon if that explains the speaker probs as well


                  Originally posted by DavidFallows
                  Cool. Nice to see you sussed it out. I thought maybe it could have been a problem with your projector seeing as Gib seemed to be having the same problems.
                  Actually think the pointer problems were low battery after all.

                  Projector should really be OK as it's very obvious where the PJ's beam stops owing to the end of the picture and the sensor bar is well below it.


                    Originally posted by linkster
                    Actually think the pointer problems were low battery after all.

                    Projector should really be OK as it's very obvious where the PJ's beam stops owing to the end of the picture and the sensor bar is well below it.
                    Yeah, mine sat on the skirting board 2ft below my image. Didn't play long enough to notice any sound or pointing problems.

