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Excite Truck or Raving Rabbids

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    Excite Truck or Raving Rabbids


    Just ordered Zelda for the Wii, I need another game for it. I guess I'll be playing it single player but with maybe the wife watching, so is Raving Rabbids the best bet or Excite Truck?

    Bear in mind, I'm not a racing nut. I like my Daytona and Burnout 2 as much as the next guy but I'm not a racing or racing game fanatic.

    Opinions from those who have played one or both, appreciated.

    excite truck. raving rabbids is party game, excite truck multiplayer is a bit lacking according to reviews


      Ive got both, seems a bit unfair to compare em due to the different genres BUT...

      Excite Truck: very fast game, lots on screen, innovative control system plus ability to play your own music via SD card.

      Rayman: Very funny game, single players a bit lonesome as all you do is go through the minigames but multiplayer is a real hoot. Bear in mind that out of the 70 minigames, there are only a handful that can be played multiplayer at the same time.

      In your situation I'd recommend rayman.


        Go for Rayman, much more entertaining to watch and also there's the chance you might be able to get the missus involved. It's not as much of a 'party game' as some people make out and the majority of the games the muliple players take turns.

        Excite truck while fun appears to have a very limited shelf life.

        Im not sure if you're a PAL user or not but Excite Truck isn't out until next year over here, whereas Rayman is on launch.


          is exitetruck even out at launch? or is it renamed 4x4?


            no excite truck for pal gamers until next year


              Originally posted by TheShowstoppa
              is exitetruck even out at launch? or is it renamed 4x4?
              No it's not (not in PAL at least), 4x4 is a different game


                Thanks chaps, Rayman it is. I have a US (Candadian Wii) on the way, so I could have gone for Excite Truck, but my wife and daughter will probably prefer The Rabbids...


                  Originally posted by gunrock
                  Thanks chaps, Rayman it is. I have a US (Candadian Wii) on the way, so I could have gone for Excite Truck, but my wife and daughter will probably prefer The Rabbids...
                  Wise choice! Rayman is great, total entertainment and bags of comedy. I love it.

                  Excite Truck is okay for 10 minutes, but it's ultimatetely the same old just with a tilty control system.


                    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                    Excite Truck is okay for 10 minutes, but it's ultimatetely the same old just with a tilty control system.
                    Untrue, it does have a lot more depth to it than that. Hours of fun to be had here!


                      Raving Rabbits!


                        You cannot resist the rabbids


                          Originally posted by AllYourBase
                          Untrue, it does have a lot more depth to it than that. Hours of fun to be had here!
                          Really? What more is there to it than driving in circles and unlocking new trucks?

                          It's an arcade racer pure and simple, but one with no real personality, mediocre visuals, dreadful music and a tilty control system. Don't get me wrong, arcade racers can be great despite being shallow (such as OutRun 2), but this isn't anywhere near that level.


                            Originally posted by AllYourBase
                            Untrue, it does have a lot more depth to it than that. Hours of fun to be had here!

                            What he said ^

                            I've had another few hours on it this afternoon and it just keeps getting better as it goes on. I'm now on the platinum tracks on super excite mode and it's really started to get tricky.
                            It's probably the most exhilerating racing game i've played since F-Zero.

                            Each car is very different and opens up a whole load of new possibilities for each track. I can't see how you can say there's no depth as there's loads of cars, tracks, various pathways through each course and then there's the superb method of control.

                            I've barely touched Zelda because of this.


                              i keep hearing such good things about raving rabbids. but i keep thinking. ITS RAYMAN!!! I played it on the PS1 and it was horrible!!

