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Thinking of buying a PS3, need some help....

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    Just play a game of Motorstorm for 10mins in the shop Nige, that will be enough to let you realise you're not missing anything.

    Sure, next time I'm at a meet and I play VF5 for eight hours solid I'm going to be swayed into buying one myself, which I will do, and then afterwards I'll think "What a waste of cash".
    Last edited by dataDave; 29-03-2007, 14:00.


      Actually the online mode in RR7 is IMHO better than RR6 on the 360. Totally smooth and lagless.


        Originally posted by Gerry Helmet View Post
        Have you not got a Ps2 ?

        Surley something there will bide you until your 360
        Yeah, I got a PS2 fairly recently. But it looks gash on me LCD, so has been used for about 10 hours in total & has been boxed away for a few months!

        Online mode in RR6 was absolute gash, I'd hope it'd be better in RR7 - but I've had my fill of RR over the years to last me a lifetime & wouldn't really be a consideration.


          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK View Post



          edit : Just checked - there isn't even a thread for motorstorm in the online folders - wtf ? Nobody on here playing together ? It's not possible right enough ?
          I played it online but not with anyone from here. I liked it alot and didnt get any lag whatsoever! More importantly I have a 100% record, 6 races and 6 wins.

          In regards to getting a PS3, if you can afford it and will actually play it then go get one. My primary use on it since I have had mine is to watch Blu-Ray movies, although now since the UK launch I have played F1 and Motorstorm quite a bit. The PS3 at the moment is all about the single player experience, when the online aspect of it improves (which it probably will) then hopefully the multiplayer experience will be greatly enhanced. Saying that though even if it does I think the 360 will always be my primary console for online gaming, the PS3 is there to provide me with the single player side of things.
          Last edited by ezee ryder; 30-03-2007, 02:53.


            Nice post Eezy - I actually thought the wii would fill my SP needs but it just hasn't happened - the 360 covers both.

            Xbox live has spoiled us - What Nige doesn't get is even with a PS3 he'll still go to the pub because the Social element which MS have conditioned us to accept as the norm isn't there on PS3.

            If I had one it'd be a TekkenDR machine at the minute !

            Nige - I'm selling GH1&2 for PS2 with 2 guitars - That is ultimate go to pub then go home for a rift patter and will easily entertain you till 360 returns - PM me !
            Last edited by Yoshimax; 29-03-2007, 14:49.


              Originally posted by ezee ryder View Post
              The PS3 at the moment is all about the single player experience, when the online aspect of it improves (which it probably will) then hopefully the multiplayer experience will be greatly enhanced. Saying that though even if it does I think the 360 will always be my primary console for online gaming, the PS3 is there to provide me with the single player side of things.
              I have to say I agree with this.

              I only own Ridge Racer 7 and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection and have enjoyed it immensely for the 2-3 weeks I have had the machine but if you expect XBL levels of online functionality you?ll be disappointed.

              Personally, I?m not that fussed as online gaming isn?t that much of a need to me yet outside of FF11 (I have a Gold XBL subscription, but it feels like a charitable donation rather than purchase of a service for all I use it :/ ). However, I can completely understand why this isn?t the case for everyone.


                Originally posted by bignige View Post
                With my Xbox 360 off to be repaired I'm seriously thinking of buying a PS3. I thought the Wii would hold my attention for a week or 2, but I can only play the thing for a few mins at a time. I need some online action and the money is burning a hole in my hand!

                I was in Virgin the other day & spent a good 15 mins looking at Motorstorm being demoed, it looks pretty sweet. How's the online aspect of it? Solid? Can you have voice chat etc? What other games are any good? My main gaming is on the 360, so V Tennis, VF5 etc. will be bought for that.

                Aside from the console, what other extras would I need? Headset? (I have a spare HDMI lead, so that's not needed). I know I've ribbed the PS3 owners of late, but this isn't a wind up!

                The actual cost (although high) isn't a problem, my biggest fear is buying it & it being reduced in a month or 2. I got stung by Microsoft on the original Xbox, and don't want a repeat performance! Should I wait for a while, I'm desperate for a game of Motorstorm though....
                I've had zero problems with Motorstorm online and tbh online or off, it has given me more "Wow, did you see that" moments than any other game for a while. Its been a great experience.

                Saying that I'm not sure the PS3 is something to buy to fill some time for a bit at the current cost. Its a lovely built machine and has some great media functions but as others have said its online functionality needs some help (although I don't find it anywhere near as bad as some and I own a 360 too).

                I guess its tough after having a go at Motorstorm (had a friend pick one up just on the strenght of playing it) but if you weren't going to get one before the 360 went down then probably not a good idea.


                  Well I love mine. Online doesn't really bother me at all, and I find the current service adequate, although obviously missing a lot of the current Live features. The media functionality is so easy that even I can use it, which is cool. I've got 8 games, and I love them all. My advice would be don't buy it if you're only interested in Motorstorm. Probably not if you have a 360 as well - I'm currently well into Oblivion, and enjoyed Armored Core 4, which are obviosuly multiformat titles.
                  Last edited by Jashin; 29-03-2007, 17:40.


                    I thought it would be crap, but after having the PS3 for a week, I'm glad I bought it (Glad I didnt take your advice on the hooker Yoshi ). The price might be a bit high, but your getting a BluRay player in there as well, and that fully justified it for me.

                    Like everyone else is saying, its all about the SP at the moment, and the MP aspect should take off when Home is launched (hopefully).


                      Originally posted by andrewfee View Post
                      Resistance is ok online, but it's region locked. (as most people I know decided to get a PAL machine instead of importing it may as well be an offline game for me)
                      Ill play you mister. nickpavey is the tag.


                        So Nige, Did you get one ? What ya think ?


                          The novelty soon wears off when you get a PS3. I've had another PS3 for about a month now (sold one before, but the hype of the launch and the temptation when working in a games shop sucked me back in) and the pad has only been charged up once. The online service is crap and if (like me) you say your 360 is your main console, then the chances are you'll only be buying PS3 exclusive titles on it, and we all know how many there are on the way don't we. Don't do it unless you want a dusty blu-ray player. Atleast don't do it yet!


                            Yeah listen to Yoshi, I think he told me not to get one ages ago but that was a 20 gig model, I managed to get a 60 gig bit I still regretted it.

                            Sorry mate I'll ask you before I think about buying anything again.

