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3do jap worth getting

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    Originally posted by Captain Falcon
    Originally posted by MD

    As for it being the first great CD machine, I'm sure a lot of PC Engine, Mega CD and FM Towns Marty owners would disagree...
    You are a funny guy! Imagine a Mega CD owner that actually liked the machine and the Marty, what a let-down that was when it came to software. Surely most p.c engine owners love the HuCards not the cd`s.

    The 3DO was cool, thats how I will leave it. 8)
    The Mega-CD was and still is a fine if under utilized piece of kit.

    With releases like Snatcher, Sonic CD, Final Fight, Batman, Lunar and even odd ball stuff like Switch the Mega-CD pisses all over anything the 3DO could muster.

    As for your comments about the PC Engine.....Dracula X, Rainbow Islands, Gradius 2 Gofer, Gate of Thunder, Winds / Lords Of Thunder, R-Type Complete and Splash Lake & many more i've not mentioned all easily outclass anything on the 3DO too.


      I had an FZ-1 which was a great looking machine, one of my favs as it happens.

      The loading times are bad though,'s an ok machine, but I think you have to be quite fanatical about the hardware and software that is avaiable to get a 'lot' of enjoyment from this console.

      I think a snes or a megadrive is a better purchase in all honesty


        Originally posted by vic_viper

        With releases like Snatcher, Sonic CD, Final Fight, Batman, Lunar and even odd ball stuff like Switch the Mega-CD pisses all over anything the 3DO could muster.
        You should add IMO to comments like this and try not to imply your word is final as it clearly isn't.
        The 3DO was a very good console and offered classics like Need for Speed which was worth owning a 3do for on it's own.
        The list of very good games on the 3do(for the time)is quite a long one somethimg the Mega-CD severley lacked and the 3do was easily the best out of the two.
        I'll add an IMO

