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DC VGA Box /lead

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    Originally posted by fallenangle View Post
    Blaze VGA box - should have asked others here about this: any other opinions on this make, good or bad?
    I have actually got one and I must say they are excellent - second only to the Official VGA box. The problem is finding one! They seem to be quite rare. You may actually see some Dreamcast VGA boxes that look identical to the Blaze one but not labelled as Blaze - they are in fact the same just differently branded.

    Usually the only ones that are easy to find are the two cheaper ones you have already seen. (Big clear square thing, and small VGA cable with blue/black box in the middle) If I had to choose between these two I would probably choose the big clear square one, as its bascially a cheaper made copy of the official VGA box - right down to the almost identical circuit board layout! Here some pictures of the two, Official VGA on the left, Third party VGA on the right:-

    It also has S-Video and Composite outputs should you need them, and best of all you can use your own VGA cable of any length - this could be quite important if you need that bit of extra length to connect your Dreamcast up to your TV/Monitor. With the other (Blue/black box in the middle) cable you would have to get a VGA extension cable if you wanted a longer length.

    Just be sure to get a working one though, as some of them have a broken switch from the factory (This applies to both of the cheaper VGA boxes)

    There were also a few other third party VGA boxes aswell - id imagine there just as good.

    Its important to realise however that there is very little difference in picture/sound quality between all the VGA boxes (assuming they are all working perfectly of course) as the Dreamcast VGA output is native to the console - in other words the cable isnt really doing 'all of the work'. All there really is (component wise) inside a VGA box is a couple or resistors, capacitors and diodes - and two chips to help buffer the horizontal and vertical sync signals (Which actually are not even strictly neccessary!)

    Blimey I do waffle on!

    Good luck in your decision
    Last edited by Link83; 12-11-2008, 12:53.


      Having lost out on the Blaze one it looks like it will have to be the other 'clear' box type. That's the way I was leaning anyway before I found that now missed Blaze one.

      Thanks for the info, particularly about the switch problem. I'll make sure the seller checks this before dispatch.


        Belated question about the VGA lead I'll need to connect the DC VGA box to the Key Digital VGA to Component transcoder I'm getting (hopefully*). The Key Digital thing looks to need a F(emale) end VGA lead but what about the DC VGA (clear version ^)? Looks like it might require a M(ale) end VGA but I'd like to be sure.

        * I bought a Key Digital transcoder from a US guy off eBay, paid on 6.11.08 Paypal - still gaven't received it. Is this likely to be a Customs & Excise delay or should I be worried and contact the seller?
        Last edited by fallenangle; 24-11-2008, 17:22.


          the DC Vga box will most likely require a male connection its unusual for boxes to use a female connection but if this the case with the the digital keys device then you will need a male to female vga lead.

          I'd give it an extra week or so before contacting the seller, sometimes it takes 3 - 4 weeks for items to arrive from the states depending on how it was posted.


            Thanks for that.

            I reckoned 28 working days would be fair. I just hope it's not 'gone missing' or just as bad C&E are going to get funny about it. Total cost including shipping was well under ?18 so there should have been no problem but new ones are still being sold at $130.

            What is the form if they try to charge me import duty/presentation fee. The item must have had the usual Customs value declaration on the shipping label and of course I could prove easily that was amount it cost. But I'm wondering about that presentation fee and what my rights as regards refusing to pay that if they try it on.

            I suppose I shouldn't worry until it happens but it helps to be prepared just in case.

