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Going to Japan

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    Originally posted by kuran
    I'm lucky that Customs didn't stop me, yeah.

    I had to make some quick decisions in the airport, because they said my suitcase weighed too much!
    I thought you might have posted some of them instead, I'm amazed you managed to carry all that stuff back.

    What did you do about the weight? Could you pay a surcharge?


      I stuffed all the games in my hand baggage (the one I took on the plane).

      Barely fit! They were all brand new too, and I didn't pay import tax.


        Good work 8)

        I must go to tgs next year


          don't start we surcharge for being over weight... me and a friend got charged 26,000 yen on our way back from japan a couple of weeks ago

          If you wanna send stuff back (which is a good idea if you have alot) as you'll get charged alot for being over weight coming back.... ours was about ?35 a kilo.... supposedly if you send packages under 2kg then the cost is 1yen per gram, so 1,000 yen per kilo...which is much better than the 6,000 odd at the airport

          hope this proves good advice


            Well I've been in Japan for about 7 months so far and amassed i stupid amount of games and consoles (what the hell do they put inside Neo Geo cartridges...concrete?) anyway im just putting all the boxes in my spare room and closing the door, i'll worry about it later is my attitude.
            But really the best thing to do if you plan on coming out here to buy lots of stuff and want to send large parcels, is to go to the post office and send it back, it works out much much cheaper than paying an excess baggage charge to the airline.
            Heres a link to the Japan postal site with the shipping rates:
            Japan Post Official Website. You can see our services, news, and corporate information.

            I got a leaflet put through my door last week from the post office , and they have lowered the rates slightly and increased the maximum weight of a parcel to 30kg!!
            Which is a sizable amount, considering most airlines limit cattle class passengers to 20kg total luggage.

            Anyway HTH.



              Could you shed some information on why you're in Japan for such a long period? Are you planning to live there?

              Just curious as I'm very interested.. thanks.


                Yeah sure np Kuran.
                I used to work in IT in london for 8 years and basically got sick and tired of the lifestyle; i had always been interested in Japan and its culture and so decided I would find a job in Japan and go there for a year, so I found a job as an English teacher, I arrived last April, and my 1 year visa expires next june so i will have been here for 14 months by the time i leave.
                I'm having a great time ere, the women are beautifull, the culture is fascinating and the games/electronics are superb
                Actually about 3 months ago I decided I would open an internet based videogame import shop when I leave Japan, so started buying LOTS of retro stuff to send back as stock when I open (watch this space!)
                To be honest English Teachind as a job reay sucks sometimes and is very stressfull so if you or anyone else is considering moving here, think carefully before taking a teaching job.
                But hey it pays for my games/beer/women/appartment.




                  Sounds like a dream to me, too bad that visa expires eh?

                  Out of curiosity, have you found the game Psychic Killer Taroumaru? That was what I was really wanting to find in Japan, but didn't.. maybe you are the culprit?

                  You should really start a blog!


                    Hey Kurisu, I know you haven't posted since september but I only just found this topic... I was curious what company you are with. I am heading to Japan in february with GEOS, and even if you aren't with them, I would love to hear about your impressions of the job.

                    Send me an ICQ if you can spare the time, my number is 927853


                    Marcus Ford.

                    Perth, Western Australia.

