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Snow leopard out this week...

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    Anyone updated from Leopard yet? First impressions?

    Im tempted to pop to the Apple store on Regent Street at lunch time and pick this up for my black macbook. I take it they will have plenty of stock right?!


      I just picked up a copy from our local Apple centre. Will install this evening.


        I got mine from the Apple store at lunchtime. I hate it in there, but they had loads in at least and i managed to pay after a bit of a wait. Installing tonight.


          Installing now, will be back with impressions later.


            No snow leopard in the post today for me


              Did you pay extra for the postage? I know it's only estimated but the free postage has an estimated delivery of 3 working days so hopefully you'll get it tomorrow.


                Nope, just regular post. I was just hopeful as a bloke at work was telling me loads of ppl had received theirs in the post, according to the forum he was reading. Ah well.


                  Yeah, I was hoping it would turn up today so I get it sorted tonight. Hope it turns up tomorrow or it'll be Tuesday.


                    I've had it for less than half and hour and my very early impressions are that the speed improvements are brilliant. Apple Apps really are faster in nearly everything they do. To me, iTunes and Safari now have a 'Windows' feel with the way you can scroll them. I probably say this because I am now very accustomed to the very slight delay in OS X before Snow Leopard. All third-apps show no improvement but we'll have to give it a few weeks before updates for these come out to take advantage of the multi-core processors.

                    Stacks is pretty decent now. Before, the grid view was the best option, but when the dock moved, the Stack Grid also moved and that would have triggered headaches for anybody relying upon Stacks often. You can scroll through stacks as though it is a mini-Finder, which is really useful for looking through your downloads folder. The move to the dock right-click menus turning black look nice but also make it stand out against the rest of the background so it's easier to look at.

                    Dock expose is pretty good, requires you to click and hold the dock icon of an open app and you'll get expose for that app, ie Safari with its multiple windows.

                    Dashboard is fast! This might be expected from all that's been said about the speed improvements but no need to wait for about 7 seconds before the widgets start to work, but immediately!

                    All in all, it hasn't quite amazed me, but for £25 and once third party apps update themselves, we will see the true benefits of this update.


                      Yep, excellent upgrade. Everything's quicker.


                        Upgrades nice and smooth process for you guys? No issues with your documents etc...?


                          Nope. 45 minutes and everything working. It detected one incompatible kernel extension and moved it and told me about it (a Line 6 Guitar USB driver). Hoping there's an update available, not checked yet. Printer still worked even though it's a shared one through my mac mini that hasn't been upgraded yet. Seriously, OSX is so damn slick now.


                            Getting printers to work via Mac OSX is a sore point in this household.


                              Getting printers to just work at all is a sore point with me regardless of OS.

                              I'm quite keen to check Snow Leopard out, but I'm going to tread gently - Leopard broke some functions of DVDAfterEdit (one of the main reasons I bought a Mac) and SL would be a total no-go for me if it broke any more!


                                Right, updated the MacBook. Seems fine. As promised I gained space on the HDD. Though I was not expecting the size to increase!

                                My HDD is a 250gb WD unit I fitted myself. So before the update it was around 230gb total capacity.

                                First partition was 200gb, it's now 214.75gb! Second partition is now 34.83gb.

                                So my 250gb hdd is now almost 250gb
                                Last edited by Ginger Tosser; 28-08-2009, 22:46.

