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Snow leopard out this week...

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    Just bought the SL upgrade from the Apple store online for £7.95 as my MBP is only a few weeks old.

    I'm not in a particular rush (heck, the lappy's been in the box for the past week or so) otherwise I would have just paid the £25 to pick it up today.

    It looks interesting, and I'm thinking of installing 2 more gb of ram and a bigger hard drive before it arrives. As for compatibility, I don't have anything really interesting to plug into it so I should be ok.

    It's all terribly exciting


      Mine seemed to install fine and everything, and overall i think it might be running things a tad faster. One gripe though is that a piece of software i use called tuxguitar now refuses to start up at all. Very annoying.


        I reckon this site could be useful for people unsure whether to upgrade or not:


          w00t. Mine just arrived in the post.

          edit: Installed too... I am struggling to see any speed differences though?

          also, Panerai screensaver doesn't work
          Last edited by ChrisF; 29-08-2009, 11:47.


            Mine arrived this morning and I've got it all installed. The only issue was some stuff not showing up in Spotlight, but I just got it to reindex the drive and it's all fine now.

            The speed increases are pretty impressive, and it's boosted my Geekbench scores to their highest levels yet. The 64-bit apps are all very fast, to the point where I really hope that the upcoming iPod event brings 64-bit iTunes, because that can chug with a large library and when doing stuff like syncing.

            Well worth ?25, then. It's only going to get better as more of my heavily used apps get 64-bit updates.


              Bought lunchtime yesterday, installed onto my iMac, 43 minutes and no problems. Installed on my Core 2 Duo iMac, which had Tiger rather than Leopard, no problems at all. Plus it gained me 20 Gigabytes of hard disk space.


                What's all this space everyone seems to be gaining? Is it deleting unnecessary Leopard/Tiger files? Ginger Tosser's magical partition increases are intriguing!


                  With the older versions of OS, it would automatically install about 30 bazillion (Real word!!!) drivers for things such as printers which you'd never use. Unless of course, you had 30 bazillion different printers connected to your Mac, which I'm guessing you don't.

                  It should now just install the specific drivers that you require.


                    Ah right, cheers. Maybe they're assuming the modern Mac owner is a bit more savvy and wouldn't be afraid to download and install drivers for exotic hardware?


                      Mine didn't arrive. IMPOTENT NERD RAGE! I can't believe I'll have to wait until Tuesday! Angry lawsuit time etc...


                        Originally posted by Magnakai View Post
                        Mine didn't arrive. IMPOTENT NERD RAGE! I can't believe I'll have to wait until Tuesday! Angry lawsuit time etc...
                        You're not missing much


                          The space saving comes from:

                          1. The actual program have been optimised so that they contain less actual code, more code reuse etc.
                          2. The apps arw intel only, not universal binary I.e. No PowerPC code


                            Am I missing something on the Apple site or can you not buy this as a download? Is it only available on disk?


                              Yes, disc only.

                              The BBC made a point of it being disc only... am I missing something? It's an Operating System, why would it be available as a download?


                                Okay, ta. Apple Store tomorrow then.

                                Why wouldn't it be downloadable, though? You can download Linux and Vista.

