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Modded xbox help

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    Might be time to unground the D0 point and check whether you can still boot into the onboard bios. Is there are switch anywhere that will let you boot the default dash?


      Nope, no switches.

      Strangely, the cd-r kills the video output, and ejects the drive tray. Weird.

      Still couldn't ftp to it though.


        I'm not familiar with Slayers as I prefer to do everything manually. Maybe its waiting for another disc?

        Is your boot up still ok? Do you have the splash screen all working fine?


          Yep, splash screen is fine, just hangs on it. Boots fine chip off too, just not to xbmc with the chip on.

          Slayers is just the one disc.

          No way i can ftp to it with the chip off?


            There is a way yes, but you need a hacked game save and an exploitable game (certain versions of Splinter Cell, Mech Assault and 007 title which I can't recall the name of).

            Do you have access to an action replay cart or a mem unit and a working modded console?


              Have that, with a memory card with the files on. Agent under fire is the Bond game i believe.

              Is it easy to do? I'll have a google.

              Yes to mem unit and console.

              EDIT - Think i lent my Splinter Cell to Shadowdancer
              Last edited by Pavey; 01-10-2009, 23:31.


                Ok thats encouraging. I hope your game region on the console hasn't been modded (should match the game discs).

                You need to have the chip disconnected (normal booting) and have the hacked saves on the hard drive. I only know the procedure for Splinter Cell unfortunately.

                I can't recall if you are granted FTP access as soon as the exploit loads, but I have a feeling it does so. Which means you should be able to make changes on the hdd and then connect the chip back up and you'll be back in business.


                  Sounds like it could be the answer. Hey thanks mate for all your help, no doubt i'll be back once i find/get my Splinter Cell.



                    Nick, have you got MechAssaut? I've used that to load up a hacked save (on an unmodded xbox) that boot's into Evox with the FTP enabled.


                      No, unfortunately. I'll have a hunt on ebay, is there any particular version i need, as i know with Splinter Cell the newer ones don't work.


                        I have a softmod kit you can borrow.


                          That would be great mate, thanks. Do you think that will get me out of this pickle?

                          Just sent you an email too


                            Originally posted by Wavey Pavey View Post
                            That would be great mate, thanks. Do you think that will get me out of this pickle?

                            Just sent you an email too
                            With the chip disabled does it boot a PAL game? If so you should be OK.


                              Yeah definitely need a particular version. I bought a copy of MA and it didn't work.


                                I think that more versions are compatible now. Having read through all the guides again to fix my Xbox the other week they were specifying "any version".

