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    Originally posted by Shimmyhill

    Itanium 2 pisses on A64 in 64bit mode as does G5
    Yes they do, but I'd be shocked if anyone here is going to be buying an Itanium 2 at anywhere between $4K to $8K a module. And anyone buying a G5 is off in the Mac market which is a completely different market segment, the dual processor G5 is something you'd compare to a BOXX work station, not a roll your own gaming rig.

    Prescott/p5 will wipe the floor of A64 in 32bit mode. (this is not speculation, a 3gig p4 @ 4gig is already ahead of the top AMD64 FX and the p4 doesn?t have the extra features of Prescott)
    Yes I believe it will, where Prescott falls down is that the price per module to begin with is probably going to be higher than A64. AMD can undercut Prescott at launch, we're guessing that Prescott will come in at around $600-odd per module, AMD should have enough elasticity to drop to $450 maybe $400 and it'll be competitive in price performance.

    Therefore A64 is a failure esp as in price/performance war, remember AMD cant compete with Intel on stability (ask Dell)
    x86-64 was supposed to extend x86 to 64 Bit's, and it's pretty much done that. "Stability" is relative term, the K-line of processors were unstable (I know because they, and Windows, turned me off x86 PC's), the Athlons not so much. They just dissipate a truckload of watts and require a fridge to cool them. As for DELL, well DELL does whatsoever Intel & Microsoft tell them to.

    DELL are not a computer company they do close to zero R&D DELL are more of a retailer and vendor then anything else.

    Let hope AMD can ramp up the speed of A64 pretty damn quick - remember they are not in a very good financial situation at the moment
    AMD have never been in good financial shape in their entire history, but this time they have got the technology side of things down. Before the DEC invasion of AMD they were nothing more than an Intel x86 cloner & knock-off shop.

    The worm has turned and it's the best thing that's happened to x86 buyers, if the same thing could happen in the OS space then the world would be a better place.


      Dont get me wrong i like AMD (i currently run a 2500+) but i feel its more that people hat Intel as they are big than there tech which i belive is still ahead of AMD.

      HT is simply awesome and in my mind far better (at this time) than 64bit architecture, sure its time will come but i do not belive that the timing is right.

      Hell i will prolly have a A64 fairly soon, however i refuse to have a VIA chipset (VIA made AMD unstable remember, i have a Nfoce 2 atm and its very stable) and as the Nforce 3 is a pile of wank at the mo its not a option.


        I'd go with tomshardware over any of the other bozo PC benchmark sites. Intel is always the better choice. Its a little more pricey but its alltogether a better package, esp when you get the tefalheads at ASUS doing their magic. Still waiting for Doom before I upgrade my aging 2G P4 though.


