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New AV Amp recommendations

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    That is a superb price for what it does and the amount of connections that it has can't imagine anyone would be disappointed with that.


      I went and viewed the new Yamaha Aventage range on the weekend and I walked away with a severe case of upgradeitis... stunning they be!

      I've got an aging RXV-2700 model but I forsee one of these new ones being a key component when I setup a new project HT room with dual output. They've got the lot thrown in...


        Madgear - I currently have a Onkyo TX-SR606 what would a suitable upgrade be to go with a G30? - Yamaha - Yamaha - Pioneer - Onkyo

        It seems like they all have HDMI 1.4. Although I have posted the above I do not work for a company that sell AV seperates (besides speakers). I am sure people on this thread can help you better. So here is the bump ::
        Last edited by 'Press Start'; 05-04-2011, 20:24.


          I recently (about a month ago) bought my first AV Amp and speakers.

          I ended up with the Yamaha V567 AV Amp and a pair of Cambridge Audio S70 floor standing speakers in dark oak.

          The amp has everything I will ever need, including an upscale function to HDMI from the other imputs so means I don't have to fiddle with the wall mounted TV if I feel the need to conect something other than HDMI. Also its a 7.1 channel system not that I will ever use it and feel the amp is very well built and quite classy looking considering the relative low price. Speakers too are very nice to look at and not too large and overpowering in the space they take up. Again, build quality is near perfect as well as sound imo, and I am very fussy!
          Its only a 2.0 set up but my living room is a small shape and the walls are this to the neighbours so didn't want bass overload. This set up has really improved the clarity of speech which is exactly what I wanted and paired with my Panasonic 50' G10 plasma enhances the whole experience!

          Amp cost me ?199.99 and the speakers where ?200 for the pair from Richer Sounds.

          ideal for a budget AV newcomer with lots of scope to upgrade if funds or space allow without compromising on quality but keeping costs down.


            Originally posted by nonny View Post
            I went and viewed the new Yamaha Aventage range on the weekend and I walked away with a severe case of upgradeitis... stunning they be!

            I've got an aging RXV-2700 model but I forsee one of these new ones being a key component when I setup a new project HT room with dual output. They've got the lot thrown in...
            Don't diss the 2700!!! It's a monster.


              Hi all, I just have a quick question in regard to the Yamaha RVX-1067. I see that Richer Sounds are selling the Titanium version in their Deal of the Week for ?500 which by all accounts seems like an awesome deal. My problem is I have an ageing Yamaha DSP-A3090 which I love to bits for TV and movies (it's awful for music, hence why I have a Cambridge Audio Azure 640A hooked up to a pair of Monitor Audio Silver RS1s) but it's in dire need of a service and some minor repairs. So, do I spend a couple of hundred pounds on repairing my monster amp or move with the times and buy a new Yammy with all the bells and whistles. I just wonder if things have really moved on that much audio wise since 1995 as I can't bear the thought of throwing out my amp that I paid ?1500 all those years ago! I know it all comes down to personal taste with amps and sound etc, but would I be making a mistake in not taking advantage of that deal? Thanks all!



                There's a good review of it here:

                The best live price they can find is ?680, I say go for it!


                  Hey Paulus, I've decided I'm going to stick with my monster Yammy, get it serviced and save a few hundred quid. I just can't part with it, it just sounds too damn good still.

                  Thanks, Spooky


                    I'd have thought the music from a ?1500 yammy (15yr+ old) amp would have been fairly surpassed in a modern day ?6-?700 one. I think back then a dedicated AV amp had movies as the primary function but by the late 90's early 00's people were demanding decent music from their mid-high end stuff. Then again, maybe you dont like the yammy warm sound for music? I know I do and it tends to suit most Uk tastes but each to their own. Basically Im saying I reckon the upgrade would be worth it.


                      Hi bash,

                      Well, the Yammy is purely used for home cinema anyway as the partnership between the 640A and the RS1s for pure stereo music is possibly the best combination I've managed to find during my years of chopping and changing systems since the early 90s. I'm sure there would be some benefits to the new amp but I think I'll hold off for a couple of years until I'm ready to take the plunge and upgrade all my home cinema components in one go and also see where all the 3DTV nonsense ends up. I'll always keep separate systems for music and cinema anyway, but that's just one of my quirks!

                      Last edited by Guest; 27-06-2011, 13:01.


                        And so, I've had a change of heart. After finding out that getting my Yammy looked at will be ?50 and then given its problems will most likely cost another ?150 - ?250 to repair with another ?40 for another remote I've decided to finally move on, bin it, and stick with the 640A for music and everything else. Having warmed up again for the last month its sounding spectacular, so the only thing I'll be doing is investing in a DAC (probably the Cambridge Audio DACMagic) to have my bits connected in a way to get the absolute best out of them through the amp.

                        Bye bye Yammy... it was good, but all good things come to an end...

