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Wii not displaying GC games...

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    On US/JPN games, holding B on boot brings up the 480p and on PAL games brings up the 50/60hz options.


      I've lost track of what you have.

      Are you using a Wii or a Gamecube?

      What region are they?


        Sort of a hijack but I got a component cable last night and my TV won't support NES games under any of the 3 options, and it's my TV saying this, not the Wii. I haven't tried GC games. Thinking of getting an RGB cable instead and giving the component connection back to my 360.



          It doesn't seem to be able to play ANY of my VC content.

          Wii games run fine but nothing else seems to work.

          All GC games, DKC VC and Mario 64 just give a black screen (sound is working).

          This didn't happen with my old TV so maybe it is a compatibility issue.



            My guess is that your tv either isn't compatible or isn't automatically switching to the correct resolution.


              Originally posted by moonwhistle View Post
              My guess is that your tv either isn't compatible or isn't automatically switching to the correct resolution.
              I think it isn't automatically switching.

              If I manually switch the resolution it is ok.

              Very frustrating. I was quite happy with the set up until now.


                It's not an uncommon problem for VC games not to work - I believe they actually run at 240p, which some HDTVs can't do?


                  I wonder if your TV doesn't support PAL resolution component input

                  All the VC content and most PAL cube games will be running 50hz


                    This wii display stuff and the multitude of different aged games is all new to me, I'll check a GC disk in a min and see if that works and if we have similar problems. My TV is a Samsung, I can check the model when I do the test, it's hard to get up right now as I never like to disturb a cat on my lap... even though it's the chair she wants rather than me

                    Might also see if I can switch my TV to display differently, but really, I barely noticed a difference between composite and component, I'd rather forget the cable and give the inputs back to the 360 that appreciates it.

                    EDIT: I have 2 (I thought 3 but my zelda collection disc as gone AWOL) GC games that displayed fine when the Wii was set to 480p but both these games have 60Hz modes so I don't know if that means they're more likely to work. The Zelda collection disc might have been a better test, I hope its in my GC at my Mum's at not at my ex friend's who borrowed the game.
                    Last edited by stainboy; 23-11-2010, 12:31.


                      In a bizarre twist of fate the only game that now works on my Wii via component on the LG is...

                      Super Mario Bros.


