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PES3 PC demo available now!

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    PES3 PC demo available now!

    Just a quick heads up to say the demo is available from Filefront now.


    I've not had a chance to play it yet cause I'm at work but I've loaded it up and it seems to be an exact port of the PS2 version, even down to the PS2 pad button icons on the menu's. You do get a comprehensive setup section to configure your pads so it'll be interesting to see how my GC pad plays with it.

    Cheers dude. I'm really looking forward to this.


      Will the game be playable online or a LAN?


        Its downloading and what a beast it is.


          Anyone find any mirrors?


            Cool, thanks for the link. I'll be interested to see what this is like.


              I've been playing this with a PS2 dual shock on the PC and I'm not sure if its the game or my USB>PC convertor, but the controls are unresponsive at times. Sometimes my selected player will start running off the pitch for no apparent reason and no matter who I select after that, they all do the same. At other times I have no control over the goalkeeper's kick and have to press Escape and then re-enter the game for it to work.

              I don't suppose anyone else playing with a gamepad of some sort has had these problems have they?

              Must say, asides from these issues, this is the best godamm football game I have ever had the chance to play. There's no going back to fifa now.


                I think it's a bit ropey so far, probably cos it's just a demo.

                The AI seems to be stoopid, the ref seems to give free-kicks for no reason at all sometimes (and they always get carded), and as has been said, some controls seem a bit off.

                I'm sure they'll sort it out when the game is released.


                  Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
                  I think it's a bit ropey so far, probably cos it's just a demo.

                  The AI seems to be stoopid, the ref seems to give free-kicks for no reason at all sometimes (and they always get carded), and as has been said, some controls seem a bit off.

                  I'm sure they'll sort it out when the game is released.
                  That was something that bothered me aswell. The refs a bit trigger happy with the old yellow and red cards and overall, he seems a bit too generous with giving the other team free kicks, when I bloody well know I haven't committed a foul.

                  It was to my knowledge that this an exact copy of the PS2 version or have they fiddled around with the AI, purposely notching up the difficulty for PC gamers? I was playing on the default 3 star difficulty and it was quite hard to score. Infact, after 15 games, I never scored once.


                    Originally posted by npg
                    It was to my knowledge that this an exact copy of the PS2 version or have they fiddled around with the AI, purposely notching up the difficulty for PC gamers? I was playing on the default 3 star difficulty and it was quite hard to score. Infact, after 15 games, I never scored once.
                    I had the same problem with the difficulty. One star is ludicrously easy, two star is niggly and frustrating, and three!!! Far too tough. There's another 2 levels up from that.

                    I won't be touching it unless they sort the ref and get a proper difficulty curve installed.


                      If they somehow manage to devise a way to play it online, then I could be tempted to pick it up again.


                        Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
                        Originally posted by npg
                        It was to my knowledge that this an exact copy of the PS2 version or have they fiddled around with the AI, purposely notching up the difficulty for PC gamers? I was playing on the default 3 star difficulty and it was quite hard to score. Infact, after 15 games, I never scored once.
                        I had the same problem with the difficulty. One star is ludicrously easy, two star is niggly and frustrating, and three!!! Far too tough. There's another 2 levels up from that.

                        I won't be touching it unless they sort the ref and get a proper difficulty curve installed.
                        I've been playing the demo quite a bit lately and the difficulty curve is spot on IMO.

                        Starting off on 3 stars and not being able to score, I started using L2 with either L1 or R2 to alter the attack levels and the goals started coming. Plus, you need to get used to using the 1-2 feature and through-balls/lofted through balls.

                        I've also found that defending isn't a problem if you use the 'apply pressure' type of tackle to tussle for the ball rather than sliding in. I only use the slide tackle if I feel I'm straight on with the attacker or as a last ditch effort. You need to get used to just pressurising the attackers to disrupt their flow and be patient. It's hard but I'm getting used to it all the time.

                        Once you get used to the strategy, attacking levels and get used to the defending, it makes it a lot easier. I win most games on 3 stars now 2-0 or 3-0... I'm gonna bump it up to 4 next time I play.


                          Originally posted by npg
                          Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
                          I think it's a bit ropey so far, probably cos it's just a demo.

                          The AI seems to be stoopid, the ref seems to give free-kicks for no reason at all sometimes (and they always get carded), and as has been said, some controls seem a bit off.

                          I'm sure they'll sort it out when the game is released.
                          That was something that bothered me aswell. The refs a bit trigger happy with the old yellow and red cards and overall, he seems a bit too generous with giving the other team free kicks, when I bloody well know I haven't committed a foul.

                          It was to my knowledge that this an exact copy of the PS2 version or have they fiddled around with the AI, purposely notching up the difficulty for PC gamers? I was playing on the default 3 star difficulty and it was quite hard to score. Infact, after 15 games, I never scored once.
                          A lot of people have found it to be a problem with the PS2 version too. Infact, there's a thread on the go over at about the game where people are discussing whether this is a problem or not. I've only had 1 man sent off in all the hours of playing based on defending using the 'tussle' method of tackling I described in my previous post. That said, people in the aforementioned thread swear blind that the AI is unfair and the CPU has different rules than the player.

                          I really don't know to be honest... as I don't heavily rely on the slide tackle I haven't noticed the 'problem' so I can't really comment with any authority... also, a lot of them have been playing it on 5 stars. It does baffle me slightly though because even when I do use the slide tackle, I've never experienced anything dodgy about the AI ref.


                            Originally posted by npg
                            I've been playing this with a PS2 dual shock on the PC and I'm not sure if its the game or my USB>PC convertor, but the controls are unresponsive at times. Sometimes my selected player will start running off the pitch for no apparent reason and no matter who I select after that, they all do the same. At other times I have no control over the goalkeeper's kick and have to press Escape and then re-enter the game for it to work.

                            I don't suppose anyone else playing with a gamepad of some sort has had these problems have they?

                            Must say, asides from these issues, this is the best godamm football game I have ever had the chance to play. There's no going back to fifa now.
                            I'm playing it with a GC pad and it's superb. I had to download a patch that I found on the lik-sang forums which helped with the calibration of the pad but once I got this sorted it played great. It's just as responsive as playing on the GC version of WE6:FE.


                              Originally posted by davejm
                              Originally posted by Chadruharazzeb
                              Originally posted by npg
                              It was to my knowledge that this an exact copy of the PS2 version or have they fiddled around with the AI, purposely notching up the difficulty for PC gamers? I was playing on the default 3 star difficulty and it was quite hard to score. Infact, after 15 games, I never scored once.
                              I had the same problem with the difficulty. One star is ludicrously easy, two star is niggly and frustrating, and three!!! Far too tough. There's another 2 levels up from that.

                              I won't be touching it unless they sort the ref and get a proper difficulty curve installed.
                              I've been playing the demo quite a bit lately and the difficulty curve is spot on IMO.

                              Starting off on 3 stars and not being able to score, I started using L2 with either L1 or R2 to alter the attack levels and the goals started coming. Plus, you need to get used to using the 1-2 feature and through-balls/lofted through balls.

                              I've also found that defending isn't a problem if you use the 'apply pressure' type of tackle to tussle for the ball rather than sliding in. I only use the slide tackle if I feel I'm straight on with the attacker or as a last ditch effort. You need to get used to just pressurising the attackers to disrupt their flow and be patient. It's hard but I'm getting used to it all the time.

                              Once you get used to the strategy, attacking levels and get used to the defending, it makes it a lot easier. I win most games on 3 stars now 2-0 or 3-0... I'm gonna bump it up to 4 next time I play.
                              Dave, I've a few questions. When you say 'alter the attack levels' what do you mean? I have the 4 shoulder buttons assigned to;

                              'Special moves' (what is this?)
                              'Alter attack i.e def/att (I have no idea how it changes the game, can you tell me what it does because I've pressed that button only to find that nothing significant happens and there's no info onscreen to tell me that any change has taken place?)
                              'Change player' which I find works most of the time but is a bit slow at responding at others.

                              Lastly, is the 'apply pressure' attack where your player elbows the other? This happens without you having to press any particular button right?

                              Sorry its a bit longwinded mate but any help would be appreciated because I want to know what it feels like to score!

