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PES3 PC demo available now!

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    Changing your attack levels.

    Did you notice a multi coloured bar above the player names while playing? This is the attack-level indicator. It's split into 5 colours, blue, green, yellow, orange and red... blue being the most defensive and red being the most attacking. To change the attack level, hold down L2 and then either R1 for a more attacking style or R2 for more defensive.

    Once you get used to changing the attack levels without much thought, the goals will come. Obviously when set to all out attack, your players will make more forward runs. It's quite hard to score on level 3 and upwards without using this feature because you just don't have the options in attack; the forward men just lose the ball because of the lack of options. You should improve a fair bit if you get used to this feature.


    X is the standard button for applying pressure to your opponent. If you hold this down while tracking an opponent your player will tussle for the ball. If you press it again when directly near the opponent, you'll put your foot in and make a challenge for the ball. It's not as drastic as a slide tackle as you stay on your feet but if you time it right it's the best way of depossessing an opponent. This is more effective if you're not sprinting so get used to sprinting while pressurising until you're in the best position to win the ball, then stopping the sprint and pressing X again to make a challenge.

    The other pressurise button, SQUARE, will send a player that isn't in your control to hussle the player with the ball. You can use this to either double-up on an opponent or use the player in your control for something else like tracking a runner. It's quite a useful feature at times although I don't really use it that often as you're handing a degree of responsibility to another AI defender.

    Special Moves

    I don't really use this at all to be honest although I may start to soon. From what I gather, it's for doing shimmy's, tricks, feints and the like. I guess it's just a case of messing around and seeing how it works.


    I hope this helps mate.


      Thanks a lot for that dave.

      I'm going to follow your advice and try out some of those tactics. I was wondering what on earth that multi-coloured bar represented and there I was thinking the the game was deep as it is. Hopefully I'll be able to score now.

      The only problem I'm having with the game right now is that since installing my 9800 pro, it seems to be running waay to fast and everything has speeded up including the time which is weird. I've ordered the full game so I'm praying this is an issue with the demo and that it hasn't been optimised fully yet.

      Cheers anyway.


        Glad to be of help.

        I've heard that if you change the refresh to 60hz it's sorts all the speed problems out if it's running too fast on your card.

        I've just ordered a Radeon 9600 Pro for this game... and Call Of Duty and the other games coming up.


          I'll try that refresh rate to see if it helps slow the game down. Thanks.

          I'm looking forward to Call of Duty aswell.


            Your a genuis dave.

            I dropped the refresh rate like you said and lo and behold it worked. I managed to score my first goal after playing 30 odd matches and I'm so addicted to it now.



              Providing you use a PS2 pad the games pretty much identical to the PS2 version. Theres a link from that to a WE7 moves guide. They're the same as PES3 (pretty much).

              My review (for PS2). Links to a moves page...

              Moves guide...


                I downloaded this demo yesterday and got a world of pain.
                When going through the screen menus it`s unresponsive and jumps about crazy...Also I can`t seem to use my microsoft sidewinder pad with it, as using the keyboard just does not work help


                  Originally posted by Supergoal
                  I downloaded this demo yesterday and got a world of pain.
                  When going through the screen menus it`s unresponsive and jumps about crazy...Also I can`t seem to use my microsoft sidewinder pad with it, as using the keyboard just does not work help
                  That happened to me as well using a PS2 pad, make sure that before you start you enter all your settings, there's a seperate application for the settins and you can enter all your controls etc.

                  I needed to do that before the menu was anything approaching responsive.

                  On a sidenote, I've played the finished game and it couldn't be more of a PS2 port if it tried, still got the PS2 buttons in all the menus and everything. No PC specific stuff at all. It also plays insanely fast on my PC there's no limit to the FPS or anything, in the readme it just said increase the detail of the game if it's playing too fast, well there's only low, medium and high so I've had to resort to whacking up the AA and AF insanely high just to make it playable, not a good port in the slightest.


                    When you say before you start, do you mean before a match or before even running the demo in Windows?

                    When I manage to get to the option of my choice (problem is if I press up on the keyboard arrow on the menu screens it goes up triple the amount of times I press it after a short delay!!!!!! )

                    I try to set the controller to my sidewinder pad and nothing seems to happen, like it doesn't recognise my pad is there at all!?!

                    I'd really love this game since I don't have a PS2 and want to update from WE6fe...


                      Before you evenload up PES3, there's an application in the PES3 folder called settings.exe, you configure your display settings and the controller in there.


                        Originally posted by Dazzla
                        Originally posted by Supergoal
                        I downloaded this demo yesterday and got a world of pain.
                        When going through the screen menus it`s unresponsive and jumps about crazy...Also I can`t seem to use my microsoft sidewinder pad with it, as using the keyboard just does not work help
                        That happened to me as well using a PS2 pad, make sure that before you start you enter all your settings, there's a seperate application for the settins and you can enter all your controls etc.

                        I needed to do that before the menu was anything approaching responsive.

                        On a sidenote, I've played the finished game and it couldn't be more of a PS2 port if it tried, still got the PS2 buttons in all the menus and everything. No PC specific stuff at all. It also plays insanely fast on my PC there's no limit to the FPS or anything, in the readme it just said increase the detail of the game if it's playing too fast, well there's only low, medium and high so I've had to resort to whacking up the AA and AF insanely high just to make it playable, not a good port in the slightest.
                        Try changing your desktop refresh rate to 60Hz. It worked for me.


                          Originally posted by Dazzla
                          Originally posted by Supergoal
                          I downloaded this demo yesterday and got a world of pain.
                          When going through the screen menus it`s unresponsive and jumps about crazy...Also I can`t seem to use my microsoft sidewinder pad with it, as using the keyboard just does not work help
                          That happened to me as well using a PS2 pad, make sure that before you start you enter all your settings, there's a seperate application for the settins and you can enter all your controls etc.

                          I needed to do that before the menu was anything approaching responsive.

                          On a sidenote, I've played the finished game and it couldn't be more of a PS2 port if it tried, still got the PS2 buttons in all the menus and everything. No PC specific stuff at all. It also plays insanely fast on my PC there's no limit to the FPS or anything, in the readme it just said increase the detail of the game if it's playing too fast, well there's only low, medium and high so I've had to resort to whacking up the AA and AF insanely high just to make it playable, not a good port in the slightest.
                          Try changing your display adaptor (right click>settings>advanced) refresh rate to 60Hz.

                          It worked for me.


                            It's already at 60Mhz refresh rate!!
                            I knew about the settings option before loading but even after selecting my pad correctly and setting brightness etc, it does nothing when I start the demo, like it forgets what I had enterd in the settings

                            I'm using a laptop if that means anything..?


                              Okay I fixed the dodgy menu flicking, although there is one outstanding problem...

                              The screen is so blurry that it's almost unplayable!

                              All other games I play on the same PC are fine with hardly any blur. Only it seems PES3 likes to make me pissed off with every turn

                              Any Ideas?

