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PS3 beeps 3 times and light flashes red - please help :(

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    I don't think im going to be doing the hair dryer thing, as the success rate of the system coming back to life long enough for me to figure out how to transfer the crucial saves i need and actually doing it is hit and miss... Lesson learnt today - BACK THAT BITCH UP!

    Forking out a couple of ton was something i SO was planning on doing in the second week of January... Yeah I could hold out, but damn it i need to play my ps3... Damn it, my Dark Souls character had SO much potential...

    Now i just gotta figure out how to transfer my psn account with my trophies...

    112 :/


      I was watching you play Dark Souls all weekend too. You'll lose an activation due to this. You can only have two now. You can reset them all at the official site, however only once every six months.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        Ahh joe... Then you must know my pain in losing all the hours I've put in...

        I'm not sure what you mean by activation. Is that something to do with my psn account? If so how do I go About transferring my account?

        My new slim has been ordered now, jus really wanna get back into dark souls tbh...



          I lost a New Game + on Demon's Souls so I feel your pain mate. I subbed to PS+ just to get the cloud saving. Good luck getting the save back. Sadly I cannot help as I know sod all about system transfers and the like.


            Well the new slim has turned up this morning. And I have mixed feelings about it. I've never Actually touched or held the machine, it's significantly lighter as I can grasp annd lift it up with one hand, unlike the original model. It runs a hell of a lot quieter, which is nice... But it jus looks and feels SO cheap... It's like the life has been sucked out the machine with so many things stripped from it... The rough exterior is nothing on the shinier bulkier model... But it is what it is and I can now get back to some much needed gaming... The thing still gets hot but more towards the rear if the machine, so instead of melt the side of my desk it now melts and toast the back if my desk along with the cables attached to it. Just need to sort my psn account out before I can get online again...

            Oh how I am not looking forward to grafting on dark souls again to reach where I left off... Damn thinking about all the other saves I've lost - fallout 3... 100+ hours... Mass effect 2 sigh... oh my word the batmans, tomb raiders and uncharted series... Well uncharted I don't mind cis they are a joy to play again...



              Hope you put the 500GB HDD in it. I mean by activating your PSN account for games and movies. You have to do this now to use DLC and anything you D/L from the PSN. prolly best to reset all your activations before you set up your slim.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                It's a 320 gig had, I wasn't planning on putting in a bigger hd... Not sure what you mean about activations, but I've had to install the latest firmware to play newer games... Thanks for the tips though, appreciate the help!



                  May help peeps who still have the Fat dying

                  Changed my Fat White 40gb Japanese PS3 from 2007. He did well but thought the errors would still happen after YLOD.

                  Sony make it a nightmare deactivating old dead PS3s. Still got to phone them regards to reactivating the video . Managed to deactivate Fat PS3 macine game part at Sony entertainment network site.

                  Below you can deactivate the Game part of the PS3 if yr PS3 has YLOD and you can't get it back on to deactivate.

                  For the Video (video streaming) part if needed you need to phone Sony.

                  Join PlayStation Network and start playing online, download games from PlayStation Store, and get all the entertainment you love.
                  Last edited by JU!; 20-10-2012, 16:12.

