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Windows 8 (Desktop) worth it? Are you using it?

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    Windows 8 (Desktop) worth it? Are you using it?

    I saw the nice box in the shop today. I've seen the interesting looking desktop it houses. It's cheap.

    Do I need it? Is it better than 7? Should I just shut up and keep using 7 for now?

    Do you use it? What do you think of it?

    So many questions? You bet!

    Lol funnily enough i was thinking a post for a similar topic as i am interested to (by the way how much is a copy for a the full windows 8 not the upgrade ?)

    from what i have seen and read though its windows 7 with that metro interface (though i think there is a desktop mode and no start button ) but i think i saw somewhere saying its heavily influenced by apple stores with a microsoft app store built in the guy there seems to make it come across as a more closed system but i dunno if thats really the case


      ?50 for windows 8.

      I personally wouldn't go out of your way to upgrade, it's a bit weird tbh.
      The Metro interface serves little purpose outside of a touch screen which means you'll revert to the standard desktop all the rest of the time.


        A few developers have trashed it , notably Gabe Newall because of the store being built in.

        I'm sure he'd of had no qualms has it of been Steam that was built in.
        Just sulking because it is competition.

        You can download any piece of software like you've always been able to, they just don't get a fancy coloured rule on the metro interface, instead they get a regular icon.


          It's taken me less than a day to get used to Metro.


            I'll probably skip it, for the simple reason that Metro aside, I struggle to really think of any new features that I would use. Even if Windows 8 was good, what new things would it do for me?


              Are you still on XP then?


                Re: Windows 8 (Desktop) worth it? Are you using it?

                Metro interface aside, how does the OS stand up compared to 7?


                  Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                  Are you still on XP then?
                  Actually, this is a perfect example - there were plenty of reasons for me to upgrade from XP. DX10/11, DXVA2 video acceleration, WDDM, new audio interface...


                    Biggest reason for me was TRIM. I use WASAPI so I don't care about the audio side of things. MadVR doesn't support DXVA and I've yet to use DX10 I believe. Sort of wish I can still use XP, but alas it's outdated.


                      The lack of DXVA support is actually the reason I use EVR-CP instead of MadVR. I guess DXVA is a little bit more useful on a laptop or netbook - it's indispensable on my netbook.


                        Yeah, if your CPU is weaker then it's pretty much required.


                          I'm using Windows 8. To be honest I'm thinking of going back to 7 on my desktop. The Metro GUI is really only designed for touchscreens. I never use it. It was nice at first all flashy and new, but not practical. I also installed Start 8 as I couldn't get used to not having a start button. So its basically Win7 with square edges now. However Total Media Theatre 3 isn't compatible. And as I have a boat load of HD DVD's thats kind of important to me.

                          So in a nutshell. Not really.


                            Does anyone know is the Windows 8 version of media centre is any better or different when used with the Xbox 360 as an extender?

                            Basically it's the only major thing my PC is used for and given they're giving MCE away free until end of Jan I was wondering whether that was worth the upgrade? If its exactly the same though I'll not bother.


                              XBMC is far better.

