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Framemeister vs CRT shootout! Pic from other scalers added

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    I use my XPC-4 with my DC's VGA out, looks lovely on my plasma. The 480p scaling is top notch on the XPC.


      Any tips for taking pics of CRTs? Using a Panasonic DMC-TZ6 in auto mode 'cause I'm a camera rookie. Shots coming out OK but colours washed-out & image looks pixellated, with vertical lines that I can't see


        I put my camera in aperture priority, ISO100, f2.8 and put a timed shutter release so it was perfectly stable.

        Doing this means the shutter will be slow, but it won't capture vertical lines.


          Cheers dude, I'll try that


            Game being paused is best too, for obvious reasons.


              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
              I put my camera in aperture priority, ISO100, f2.8 and put a timed shutter release so it was perfectly stable.

              Doing this means the shutter will be slow, but it won't capture vertical lines.
              Some good advice there! I'll give that a try myself using the settings you mentioned. Sounds like it will work.


                Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
                Thanks for the reply .. I already have a DC VGA box was hoping they'll be some sort if VGA to D-Ternimal lead I could buy
                I use the Toro with a FM and it's really good. More dosh, but hey, that's retro gaming.


                  Only if you don't stick to 20 quid professional grade CRTs.


                    Does anyone else use a PVM as their living room screen? Ha
                    Any furniture tips, mine's on the floor as I've nothing that can support the bast*rd


                      Forgot I took a couple a while back, need to figure out those shutter speeds mentioned though -


                        Looking good Colin.

                        The Final Fight logo on the title screen looks aces on my set too.


                          I'm going to have to get one of these Framemeisters as the crt will have to go when the games room gets packed up, is the output connection to the TV HDMI? When I had an XRGB-2 it wasn't great with the plasma via VGA and I had to use it on a monitor, but will be wanting to bring out a system as required to use on the living room TV.


                            That's correct Colin, the Mini outputs to HDMI.


                              Just playing some Akumajo Dracula XX and had to take a phone picture. Still looks nice!


                                Few title screens of my dreamcast > SLG 3000 > Gefen

