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Mac OSX Panther

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    *likes appleworks*


      Originally posted by Baroque
      Quark is so much better.
      Well as it's a professional page layout program and priced as such I should certainly hope so
      No way I'm ever even paying for anything Micro$oft so Mac Office can GTF, so I'm left with Quark or the horrible Appleworks. Saying that, I'm only able to use Quark because it was free...


        Originally posted by JibberX
        Quark? What's wrong with InDesign?
        True dat. If you are used to Adobe stuff then InDesign is very much a "no brainer". Quark is as good though.


          I've been using Quark since 3 and I have to say that InDesign is a helluva lot better, it took its time, but Quark really is very slow and clunky and InDesign pretty much adheres to the GUI guidlines where as Quark hasn't barely changed sine 3 interms of interface and functionality....

          Just a heads up really, InDesign rocks and is damnd cheap.


            Right, got that copy of Panther that I mentioned in my 1st post and it works fine, inspite of it being American

            However, must admit I'm a little disappointed. With the exception of the lovely expose, improvement of mail and the finder taking on a iTunes style format I'm struggling to find any improvements over 10.2.

            I know I only paid less than the retail value for the thing but it doesn't really seem worth it. Anybody got any examples of what I'm missing that makes Panther a big leap from 10.2?

            Edit- Slowly finding more stuff. The DVD player seems to work a lot smoother now too and the remote is far better. Also Classic is a lot more stable and faster than it ever was. I like the little zoom animation when you load an app from outside the dock as well.

