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Anyone using a Netgear DG814 for Xbox Live?

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    DHCP doesn't do anything with DNS, that's dependent on how the gateway is set-up (it acts as a proxy, like what thingy said above).

    If you want to give you Xbox a dynamic IP (using DHCP), remove the IP from your DMZ and ensure UPnP is enabled on the router. Otherwise, use a static IP address.

    IIRC, the normal network/DNS settings are seperated on the Xbox so you can leave DNS as automatic. I dunno, I haven't checked mine lately 'cos it works


      I'm so frustrated-I've done everything, tried forwarding ports, did the DMZ thing after giving my Xbox a static IP (worked until I switched the Xbox off and on again)...some of the stuff you guys are saying may help, but I can't seem to do half of it on this router.

      Netgear are a pile of ****e-I just get through to the India call centre and get told the same instructions every time which don't work, and the idiots change the name from an Xbox to playstation everytime they speak...Microsoft can't help either and Pipex just gave me Microsoft's number.

      Any chance it could be due to the fact I have a modded Xbox? I bought it brand new from preomodded-and if it's connecting to everything and is all fine till the last bit when trying to reach Xbox Live, what else could be the problem? I obviously can't get much help.


        If its authetication from xbox live it could be thats its banned.

        Marklar, with the DG814 it seems to be rather picky about setting static ips and dynamic always works without fail for me. Hence me telling Weinberg to do that. Also UPnP is summit is a newer feature on the router, which wasnt needed for the DCHP setup i had. But yeah it is enabled


          Marklar, with the DG814 it....
          Seemed pretty straight forward for me; I've done it both ways around


            Any chance it could be due to the fact I have a modded Xbox?
            Erm, it hasn't been banned, has it?


              How could I get banned if I've never even got online? And I've always used the Xbox official dash anyway..


                Maybe you HAVE been online, its been banned and then you can't do anything. Just 'cos you use the official dash doesn't mean to say you ain't been banned.

                Look man, you're having loads of trouble with this yet its very easy to do. Maybe you're not cut out for this networking thing and Live, huh? Tried it anywhere else, maybe were there aren't so many comlicated things in your way??


                  Live is meant to be simple, so it's hardly as if I'm not cut out for it...

                  And I have never even got online so don't know how I could have been banned-how do I even find out if I have?
                  Last edited by Weinberg; 28-06-2004, 16:17.


                    If you have a spare PC/Laptop set it up with the same settings as the Xbox to see if you have internet connectivity. I help my mate set his up like this (through ICS via XP), but its easier to test with a PC first then try the Xbox.


                      Originally posted by Weinberg
                      Live is meant to be simple, so it's hardly as if I'm not cut out for it...
                      And indeed it is simple.


                        It's so simple, you plug it in (via a router) and you can access live through the dash regardless of router/port settings. If you can't get online at all, you've done something strange to your Xbox or you're using the wrong cables.

