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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Odd, I started downloading it last night before bed, and it was finished when I woke up...


      No SBO3 Tracker


        i started downloading that 1gig sbo3 thing last night too. just got home from work and its still going.
        the one gravity0 posted above wont work though.


          Even odder. No tracker, but it still seems to be downloading. It was the same with the other one, which I'm watching now. Nice Yun Vs Yun match at the start, but that's all I've got up to.


            Grabbing the torrents now - glad I do still poke my head into this thread every now and again, even if I can't play on Live


              Originally posted by Fuddle
              some great matches with moodmon again. wish i'd left it at 5-4 to me really. weird lag coming and going at all the wrong times for me. really pissed me off, so i had to leave it with whatever lead you had
              Ah, late reply. I worked out my brother was pratting around on the net, so sorry about that. I think we should call that one a draw. Couldn't believe your Sean beat everything I threw at him, except another Sean. Crazyness.

              Finally watched that SBO3 video. Wow. The Necro was great, but that Q was a different class. The Q Vs Yun match Same goes to the Ken Vs Dudley match in the semi's.

              Shame about that Yun. What a berk, run away moron.


                That Yun tactic of keeping away until you'vr got a Genei Jin then going in is abit cheeky really.

                My fave match is the Ibuki vs Akuma Bweheheheheh goodybye red haired freak o_0


                  finally watched the sbo vids, and they were mostly brilliant. practically every one was won by the character i was rooting for, and some amazing comebacks...even with zero health, you cant count anyone out.

                  but, as above...real shame that runaway yun did so well...i really hate it when people runaway and charge meter like that. at least necro got a taunt finish on the bast


                    Wow, our connection must have been really bad last night, Firsty. I couldn't even connect to your side and accept the invite! :\


                      Yeah same with me, it was saying I could join but wouldn't find the game.

                      That Yun in the SBO matches really bugged me. He wouldn't have lost if he hadn't run away so much. He got the opponent's energy down real low so many times just to run away and try to get GJ for the KO. You don't need it >.<


                        Incidentally, you were telling me about your 8-hit YouHou combo last night? Try this one on for size :

                        Right-click, save as


                          I'm quite aware of that That has more hits but does a little less damage than mine. Plus mine has a reset in it if I get them to the corner, so I get another full strength hit in without damage scaling \o/. Mine also has more juggly annoyance and is really easy to land on shotos!!!! It rocks ^_^!!!


                            i'm using this guy so much i might have to make a new avatar
                            i end up loosing quite a lot, but those few where i batter a skanky gouki or chun li, and then refuse a rematch make it all worth it.

                            GGs to moodmon too. looks ike you werent on form for the first few, but i thought you were going to even it up before you left.


                              Originally posted by Firsty
                              I'm quite aware of that That has more hits but does a little less damage than mine. Plus mine has a reset in it if I get them to the corner, so I get another full strength hit in without damage scaling \o/. Mine also has more juggly annoyance and is really easy to land on shotos!!!! It rocks ^_^!!!
                              Oh hey Firsty I'm in Ireland too, we should get some matches going sometime. Gamertag is npsloth if you want to add me.


                                I was **** tonight. 8-1 at one point to you. Had to go to get food. Frankly, I wasn't it any mood to play you again, the bed post nearest me was looking a little worse for wear

