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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    (From The Meaning of Liff)

    "Aboyne (vb.)
    To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him."


      I'm the same bleeders.
      I dunno what happens.....!
      They must think they're great ;/

      Shend, let's play again.
      I'm much better with Yun and Sean.
      Didn't realise you were using headset.
      I'll be able to laugh during gigas breakers now


        Firsty how dare you call Ken a whore when you use Yun



          Firsty, i thought ok 1st piledriver in, then erm at the 2nd, Grrr at the 3rd then GTF!??! at the Gigas Breaker.

          We'll have to have Hugo vs Hugo, i like hugo, but haven't used him effectively at all recently, *switches on training mode*

          And Necro, he so crazy!!


            Originally posted by Firsty
            I'm the same bleeders.
            I dunno what happens.....!
            They must think they're great ;/
            Absolutely, my inability to finish these players off quickly frustrates the hell out of me and once they've got a couple wins under their belt, they **** off.

            I often find it takes me a few games to get into the swing of things. I've been sticking to playing against higher-ranked players mainly because I learn a lot more from them and it makes for some interesting match-up's when your trying to second guess your opponent.


              Originally posted by Fuddle
              shend's Q has just been slapping me around as well.
              my makoto is useless against him, although i did get one cheesy win against him using ryu.

              had some amazingly close matches with moodmon....practicaly every round went down to whoever got the next hit wins.
              luckily it was mostly me.
              great fun
              Ya bastard [shakes fist]

              Kudos to all the NTSC types. Mainly because they don't use chuffing Ken. Special mentions go to the Shend's Q, for finishing me with a super every single time and Yash/Mini Yash for simply being a bit too good (let me hit you, you whore)

              It does tend to blur a bit after a 4 hour session mind, but the Moodmon Cheese award goes to Ince and All Your Base, for using Remy and making it impossible for me to play against them. Didn't help I kept walking into their fireballs, of course.

              Nice to see that after all that wait of trying to play Firsty (see, it was your connection) he completely and utterly schooled me, Yun stylee.

              I'll have to try playing against the fellow n00bs, like Voyager and Paleface, simply to get some wins. Helps I've actually found a sparring partner of the same level, who added me to his friends list. He does play as Ken, but he's not all bad.

              Need to work on performing the supers. If you ever wonder why I have a full bar, it's because I can't do the ruddy things, even on my cheap but ace Logic 3 stick (which also supports the headset \o/ ).

              As much as I hate to admit it, I was wrong about SF, and at this rate I won't even touch Halo 2 till Christmas. I might also have to put an order in for a Chun Li avatar, whoever it is that does them. Well, do you know anyone else who plays as Li?


                Good call, where do you get those funky Third Strike avatars? I really, really, really would like an Elena one.

                I've got a Halo 2 party next weekend, at this rate, someone will have to peel me away from this and San Andreas.


                  I'll add you to my list tonight, Moodmon - would be happy to play you. My stick with any luck arrives tomorrow!

                  I had some good friendly sparring with a guy called Level Par - he kept apologising for using Ken because it was all he knew, but I got a couple of GOOD wins with Ryu and a lot of parries in; we kept congratulating one another every intended parry we pulled off (and apologising for jammy successes). Later I started playing Makoto and got him to experiment with some other characters. He liked Sean. Git.

                  Anyhow, I'm now rank Q and have five-six wins to my belt. Stick will help me a lot - I can't pull off the most basic 3-hits (Jumping HK, MP, Fireball etc.) with the Spad with any regularity, so am confined to 2-hits, parries, and super-cancels.

                  Amazing how *good* the game gets the moment you find someone about your level and just have ten or so uninterrupted matches of bliss. Then you play Shend and get Q'd all over the place and give up


                    Hey kids, I just got my magicbox. Anyone up for some games tonight?


                      rats i gotta try someone other than ken in that case...


                        I've yet to win a game on this but I did win one round last night (who's the man).

                        God I suck at this.


                          Hey, i'll be on tonight for a bit. Any self-named n00bz0r!?!? want a chat and any help with some training matches (i'm using Hugo and Necro t'neet) send us an invite

                          Boog, i'm polishing my metal face plate for you


                            Holy ****ing ****.

                            First few goes with my magicbox, played with Makoto against some random geezer, TOTALLY ****ING OWNED him beyond recognition, perfect then SA finish.

                            Then I played Jassi...

                            Managed a fair few rounds, but he handed me my ass. Had some absolutely LEGENDARY fights man! You shoulda seen it, I had my flatmate in the room at the time and I was shouting at the telly so ****ing hard! That ken vs ken match we had, I was on **** all health, you were on about 1/3rd health, and I did a crouching FP into DP into had NO health left but you ****ing returned with a jumping punch after I tried to fireball you!! ARGH!! I've never swore at a telly so much in my life!!!

                            I hope my Makoto's better since we last played, but I can't fight against bloody Akuma with her, or Elena, they suck :P




                                Originally posted by Bleeders
                                Good call, where do you get those funky Third Strike avatars? I really, really, really would like an Elena one.

