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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Looks like that's the order of the day then!

    thinking about it, perhaps playing it with a FUBAR'd converter might help me a little while i'm waiting - might make me appreciate timing a little bit more, especially for parries ;/


      Some excellent games there against Singho, his air juggles are pure sickness!

      "First word Aww, second word Yeeah"


        Withdrawal symptoms......very bad.............*convulses*


          Anyone still playing this? Tried to play this morning and it couldn't find ANY games at all. Not one. In the entire world.



            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
            Anyone still playing this? Tried to play this morning and it couldn't find ANY games at all. Not one. In the entire world.

            I wouldn't expect it, considering that it's christmas eve.

            I'd say wait until the festivities are over. Also, don't forget that the majority of america (which would normally be on the time that you bothered signing on) is still waiting for the X-Box release, which is in febuary.

            Poor timing, tbh


              Merry Christmas to the best thread in existance ^^

              Merry Christmas SF3:3S aficandos as well! Q owns you all XD


                Yeah, Merry Christmas PITIFUL SCUM ^_^


                  Man, i got pretty frustrated earlier - got my ass handed to me on a plate 20 times in a row by people with a 10% win ratio and a lower ranking, yet somehow i managed to win every fight with the number 20.

                  One guy i'm still annoyed about, he was only ever Akuma and all he did was play super defensively, kept repeat fireballing from across the screen, and whenever i tried to get close he'd either backflip away and do a mid air fireball, or dragon punch.

                  I guess the art of street fighter isnt being invincible, but learning how to make your enemy make mistakes - which leaves them open to an attack, but with that in mind i just couldn't beat him... its strange, i'd block all the fireballs and try jumping over them from all difference distances, but with every jump he'd already have a lame move ready to counter it.

                  any advice? which character is best against super-defensive fireballers (ryu/ken/akuma??

                  oh, and happy christmas


                    if i go up against a constant shoto abuser, i just do exactly the same thing as them.
                    i choose ryu (never ken/gouki)and do loads of hadokens....and then quit when you win.
                    or occaisionally i do like to choose chun-li and do her yawn taunt over and over and over....then quit just to try and get the point over.
                    Last edited by Fuddle; 24-12-2004, 18:14.


                      Pick Twelve and 'walk' under them constantly.

                      Then taunt, that'll **** them up. ^^

                      Wheres he gone!!


                        Im new to SF3, i really should learn one of the 'new' characters - i'll give Twelve a go and see how i get on.


                          Or pick Oro and sleep the fight away Necro's tongue taunt is funny aswell tho .

                          Guess Twelves hands under ground thingy would be effective against a hopping air fireball Akuma but I've never faced one that's been that obsessive with it to try yet. Well one, but I was alex then I quit after the match.. before I died of gheyfightness syndrome.


                            Twelve's actually pretty tough for beginners. He works by moving in, poking and getting back out. You gotta be familiar with your opponent's vulerabilites to get max punishment using him.

                            Merry EX-Mas Mofos!

                            Last edited by Firsty; 24-12-2004, 23:45.


                              Ooooh, not long now. Soon I shall have Hori goodness. Then the bloke in the picture above will be lying flat on the floor, after too much dancing.

                              Ph34r the ferocity of my haphazard bumbling


                                Happy EX-Mas from The Hermit!

                                *strokes beard Gen style*

                                (check out that avatar, it's the ****! BOOM! )

