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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Good games Fuddle! The lag wasn't that bad considering. It just makes parrying a lot more difficult. Your Ryu is very good.


      Venom you gotta stop with that skank Chun Li. It's not fair with the lag


        She ain't no skank! I don't use her that much. Hugo, Remy anf the shotos are my mains. Would use Ibuki and Yun too but the timing of their aerial chain combos is screwed cos of the lag. I save those two for domestic(Jpn) matches.


          SHE'S A ****ING DICK! We had this discussion AGES ago, and all hate her now.


            <abandons plan to learn Chun Li>


              argh @ lag gravity0 :/


                I just can't get good connections before 10pm. It's ridiculous.

                It's testament to how much I love this damn game that I keep trying to play this at a decent time, but my connection just won't bloody let me. I would have given up on this aaaages ago if I wasn't so utterly and hopelessly hooked on it.


                  Thought the discussion on the skanks was all against Ken . the stupid number of way to open into her SA2 is overboard tho.

                  Damn this thread is growing ridiculously fast loads of new peeps aswell. Gonna have to get myself a 2nd hand pad till i get round to either going for a stick or jsut a magic box and houses full of Saturn pads. Hopefully it'll last longer than a ****ing week this time

                  In the meantime getting quite a nice amount of platinums on DKJB


                    Chun Li is more annoying than Ken. What makes Ken so annoying is a combination of being a skank dick like Chun, and that EVERY ass uses him. Chun li, is an annoying fly, with big assed legs, that just won't die.


                      Stop complaining you bitch...jeebus.


                        Played this for the first time this week 0_0
                        My connection was being really weird, fine in game but the in the menus I kept on getting connection problems.
                        I have finally decided to go the whole hog and get a stick. My SC2 stick should be arriving tomorrow I think I going to have to put in a lot of effot to make the transaction from pads to stick. I've never been good with the sticks.
                        The amount of people posting on this thread has expolded recently I hope to see some of you online soon.


                          You know I'm right Jas


                            Yay! I beat Singo once today. Was playing really scrubby with Hugo and Dudley as I knew that he'd always have big combos ready on hand. Had to quit as I had to answer a phone call.


                              So, forgive my n00bness, but why aren't people hating on Akuma? Surely he's even worse than Ken?


                                Maybe he gets the sympathy vote because he has a face like a constipated pig?

