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BF2 - tech discussion

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    BF2 - tech discussion

    Discuss technical issues of Battlefield 2 here!

    im having problems installing the game. i dont know if anyone else has had any problems yet. but it keeps giving me md5 error messages when installing. so im going to give isobuster a whirl and see if i can install it from the hdd. i'll let you all know the results.

    edit: figured out the problem. i updated my firmware to the latest on my dvdrom drive. installed a treat now
    Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 24-06-2005, 19:39.


      what catalyst drivers are peeps on ati cards using - i am currently on 5.5 due to reading that 5.6 may cause probs, might upgrade to the 5.6 though if everyone else is running ok


        I'm on 5.6 and haven't had many problems.

        Finding the full game runs slightly better than the demo, however I cannot select Ultra High sound any more as it is red'ed out -any ideas?


          i didn't even notice the option in the demo?!

          wouldn't mind checking it out on my audigy 2.
          the game runs astonishing, got everything set to max and with anti-aliasing at 4x.


            I'm getting really bad splutters, especially when I turn around really quickly. It locks up for a few seconds which usually results in death. It's like it's out of memory and dragging stuff off the HD, but I have 1gb of RAM and 256mb on the gfx card. (GeForce 6800 GT)

            I've also found the general frame rate is considerably better in smaller games. Even when there's little on screen in a game with lots of players connected it chugs along. Play with 10 people or less and it's smooth sailing, except for those lock ups I mentioned above...

            And that damn server browser is so terrible it's amazing it ever got past QA.


              i agree on the server browser, it froze a couple of times for me. have you upgraded your nvidia drivers?
              i have the 6800 GT 256mb with 1.5gb of ram and it runs perfectly. nvidia just released a new set of drivers, so you might want to check them out. i think they might be on the battlefield 2 cd.


                I get the same stuttering as you Kotatsu, in particular in bigger games. I looks to me like a ram issue, but I have a gig with a 256mb gfx card.

                Zero, I have the same sound card as you - as Audio ingame you can increase the sound quality. Makes a huge difference.


                  drop the resolution a touch - it sorted the stuttering out for me


                    Originally posted by PeteJ
                    I get the same stuttering as you Kotatsu, in particular in bigger games. I looks to me like a ram issue, but I have a gig with a 256mb gfx card.

                    Zero, I have the same sound card as you - as Audio ingame you can increase the sound quality. Makes a huge difference.
                    aaah i see it now. i picked high, didn't realise it went further down and like you the ultra high is in red too, so i can't pick it. maybe you can enable it in the ini or cfg. i wont do that now..


                      I installed the new NVidia drivers but unfortunately they made no difference.

                      Really hoping for a speedy patch to sort the splutters out.


                        I think it is probably that special Creative thing it lists, which I've never heard of. I'm currently running the out-of-the-box audigy 2 drivers, apparently the newest ones are essential for performance, so hopefully that'll help...


                          You don't need a patch to sort the splutters out, 1GB isn't enough to run it perfectly, you need more.

                          I think that Ultra High sound option is for the next generation creative card, X-Fi or something isn't it?


                            Originally posted by wush
                            You don't need a patch to sort the splutters out, 1GB isn't enough to run it perfectly, you need more.
                            Well that's just stupid then. How many people have more than 1gb RAM?

                            Not many I would bet.


                              I'm still wondering why the need for all these ultra high specs. Joint Ops to me was on a much bigger scale (150 players) and it's probably my memory but it didn't look tremendously worse, yet that ran fine on a lot more systems.

