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NTSC-UK Pro Evo 5 Knockout Championship (XBox)

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    Bastards. I'll have a slot for the next 'un plz.


      No bother Marmite, looking forward to it. Given our previous games this should be quite a tight one, depending of course on how the players for each side decide to play.

      Am on all nights this week and later tonight if you fancy it?


        Originally posted by Marmite
        Result confirmed (although it was Montella who got the winner!).

        Was a close game, both sides having chances. Couldnt get the ball in the first 10 minutes, which led to a couple of panicky moments, then a patient build up on the wing between Mancini and Chivu gave Cassano time to make a perfect run which was well picked out down the middle with a well timed through ball. Cassanos finish was deadly (which is more than can be said for his other efforts!). Lyon tried to hit back with good play down the wings (mainly through Givou if i remember correctly) and created some space and chances from the edge of the area. Later in the half, Totti found space in the box, and the deflected effort looped high in the air to Cassano who prodded it against the post, and it was cleared to safety. If i remember correctly, Carew had a scuffed shot toward the end when he really could have done a hell of a lot better.

        Second half saw the Roma midfield biding their time and picking out through balls to the lively Cassano, who found himself clear of the Lyon defense on a number of occasions (i would have been so ****ed off with that defender who kept letting him go if that was my side - whoever that was should be shot Bleeders!)
        Don't worry mate, he got a bollocking after the whistle (as well as numerous name-callings during the game when Cassano was peeling off him so easily).

        Absolute shocking defending from me, the worst I've been since playing on LIVE, Marmite should've beaten me by more in all honestly.


          Originally posted by Bleeders
          Marmite should've beaten me by more in all honestly.
          Shame Cassano couldnt have hit a barn door in that second half! It got to the point where he was through on goal and yet i was looking at options for him to pass to! Ah well.

          Missed you last night Mardigan - was on till about 8.30. Was beating some chap who was Chelsea with my Roma 3-0 just before half time, then he disconnected on me. Do you get the other persons points when this happens? I have a feeling you dont. Played another guy who was AC and i somehow pummeled his goal without scoring. Eventually went to pens, which i won. Last match was against some french guy using Man Utd. Have to say, he had some good chances, but i was the more clinical, winning 2-1 with a last minute Mexes blast into the corner from the edge of the area. Nice.

          Suffice to say, im generally loving this on live. My router should arrive today, which will hopefulyl make it easier for me to get on at set times. Like i said though, out tonight, but am happy to get the games done tomorrow evening? Sorry to everyone else for the delay though.


            Tomorrow is fone for me mate, should be around most of the night. Took a Real Madrid scalp the other night 4-2, feels good taking points off the big teams

            Marmite, you will get the points on a disconnect for sure, happened to me a couple fo times and when checked points I had got the points for win.

            The main threat for my Deportivo for some reason has been set pieces. Finishing in previous round wasn't up to usual standard but it has to be sorted for next round as it will all be about taking our chances.


              Originally posted by Mardigan8

              Marmite, you will get the points on a disconnect for sure, happened to me a couple fo times and when checked points I had got the points for win.
              Ah, excellent.

              I love it when you are at the team select screen, and you see your opponent picking someone like Chelsea, Arsenal, real Madrid, AC, etc, and then you rock up with someone like Roma, Lyon, Deportivo etc! They must be laughing, until of course you get the opening goal and go on to beat them. Makes it all the more sweeter, and you are forced to concentrate in every game to prevent mistakes, and create goal scoring oppurtunities.


                Result Confirmed

                Celtic were pwnszored with bad tatics and some silky greek flair. Marshall was woefull in the first half. but all credit to Briker, he dominated me.... I feel so used :/

                Good game!

                Funny I beat someone later that night 6-0 2-0 5-0, with sutton scoring all 6 in the first game !! should have heard the commentator !


                  Originally posted by Marmite
                  Ah, excellent.

                  I love it when you are at the team select screen, and you see your opponent picking someone like Chelsea, Arsenal, real Madrid, AC, etc, and then you rock up with someone like Roma, Lyon, Deportivo etc! They must be laughing, until of course you get the opening goal and go on to beat them. Makes it all the more sweeter, and you are forced to concentrate in every game to prevent mistakes, and create goal scoring oppurtunities.
                  Agreed - you've got a ****ing mean Roma. Cassano, Montella and Totti are the **** up-top, but it makes games a lot more interesting when using the not-so uber sides.


                    Taking this slight OT: I really would recommend this chaps if you love Pro Evo, covers every aspect of the game from how much of a hit each player can take with the condition arrows to every side in the game, their best formation, players and strategies as well as the different types of Free-Kicks you can take.

                    For example; I didn't know that holding the Black button and then pressing A will float the ball in from a free-kick scenario.


                      Have Mardigan and Marmite played their game yet?


                        Originally posted by goldbricker
                        Have Mardigan and Marmite played their game yet?
                        Not yet, gonna get game played tonight. Am on from about 6 if you want to get this on Marmite?


                          Good stuff, hopefully the final could be played tonight as well perhaps?


                            Sounds ok to me. My router arrived today as well. Should be home by about 7. Say we play at 8? Then the winner sends an invite to Goldbricker for the final?


                              Will be going out about 8 but back at 10 if you still on?


                                Erm, i can try and get on when i get in then if you like? Just depends if i can get access to the broadband connection or set up the router quickly.

                                Look out for me about 7.15 then, and if not i'll see you on there after 10.

