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Final Fantasy XI 360 Beta

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    can someone please post a link to the instruction manual pdf please? the one i got with the codes email doesn't work. thanks


      Shakey, do you have a headset at all?

      I've invited you into a chat but I can't hear you


        where do i use the coupon you get at the start? like lots i really dont yhink i know what im doing...


          Its like that at first, but that's because you need some levels before things start opening up.

          Concentrate on leveling for awhile, then try and buy new equipment, soon you will be battling enemies in a party, traveling to new areas, completing quests, doing story based missions, fighting NM's and doing Boss type battles for rewards.

          The early levels really are just a chance to adjust to the way the game plays.


            Originally posted by C'
            Obviously you got the download guide. Also, when you are in game type


            to get a full list of all commands you can use in game (including the emotes).

            Tarutaru /panic is the cutest thing

            Cheers C'. I am reading the manual now, back from pub :-)

            Will have to finish the downloads/registration when I get home as I just cant talk my Mrs through it at the mo.

            Hope to hook up with some of you later....


              Originally posted by Blair
              where do i use the coupon you get at the start? like lots i really dont yhink i know what im doing...
              As long as you in the correct zone, if you check your map screen then select markers, it should highlight on the map, the individual you need to trade the Coupon to.

              Remember that for this, and most other quests, if you are requested to acquire items for an individual, you cannot just talk to the NPC with the items in your inventory. You have to actually use the Trade command.


                Originally posted by C'
                As long as you in the correct zone, if you check your map screen then select markers, it should highlight on the map, the individual you need to trade the Coupon to.

                Remember that for this, and most other quests, if you are requested to acquire items for an individual, you cannot just talk to the NPC with the items in your inventory. You have to actually use the Trade command.
                Cheers, i think a manual read might be in order for this! So far not yet enticed anyone to join my party yet either! though someone asked me for afternoon delight


                  I'll be in the mines in less than an hour.

                  Best free disc EVAR!!!
                  Last edited by dataDave; 13-01-2006, 14:25.


                    You might be better off heading to South Gustaberg with me


                      Why? Is it full of whores and ganja?


                        Pretty much!

                        Nah - It's mainly level 3 stuff that we were killing there I think, at level 4 or 5 we'd be better off taking out the quadavs and vultures in gustaberg, just my opinion!


                          Sound - the more fresh scenery the better. I reckon I could be Lvl.10 by the end of tonight. =) I might not go to bed until that's achieved.


                            Cheers for the meetup, it was nice seeing people!

                            I'm gonna cave in and buy a keyboard before I go into work tonight, and i'll be online around 11pm ish with a fully working keyboard ready for some action!

                            My local hunting grounds is South Gustaberg, so I'll see you all later!


                              Got a much better idea of what to do after the meetup with Silvergun, Kizzycrew and melenko Can see there being a lot of work required to be put in, but it pays off well. It's a very different experience from, say, PSO... so much so that I'd not really say they were the same genre, dispite both being online RPG's.

                              The 360 version itself is initially a tad disappointing visually, it's all very plain compared to the PC game, which shouldn't be right. The vast areas still don;t fail to impress mind.


                                Another quick money tip - Zinc Ore.

                                Get some from stone eaters and flog it on the auction house for 200g a piece.

