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Dead or Alive 4

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    I've never played a game that gets me pissed off as much as this does.

    Time to go buy a new headset after throwing my other across the room, flimsy piece of crap.


      Originally posted by Mephistopheles
      95% of people with an SS grade have obtained it by exploiting the glitch. If you check their profiles, they have the SS achievement but not the ones below it like S and A. Since the glitch can be easily reproduced, every time they lose the SS they can regain it again. For the record, you need 196,500 grade points for SS. Very few people will ever reach that level.

      do you know how to do it though ??


        Originally posted by MikeF
        do you know how to do it though ??
        Well, I won't go into specifics. But you have 3 people. Two in a fight, one in the lobby. At some point, one of the fighters unplugs their Internet after some action is performed by both participants. The game then freezes for the guy left in the fight. The person waiting in the lobby then has his grade points maxed out. He might then invite his mates to get some free wins over him to improve their win ratio and grade. He really has nothing to lose because he can reproduce the glitch.

        I'm assuming it will be addressed in the patch later this month.


          Oh dear, Now I have to avoid this so I dont submit to it due to wanting to get all the achivements


            Been playing with some of my less expirenced friends today, got about 15 kills in a row (got the achievement as well) before getting taken down. Then for the next two matches I was not at my 'gaming best' So I gave up.

            I'm a solid B now.


              I'm losing my touch on this - need to practice more - some vs Eliot/Kokoro sparring is required methinks !


                @Kizza and DCMK1 - I'm sorry for that ownage.


                  Funny excuse I heard online today. I was against a certain individual who goes by the gamertag of hir1920. He was enjoying beating players in his Kumite mode. Crazy win streak. His grade much higher than mine. I beat him. He loses 1k points. Then it's my turn again and I beat him twice. Third time round, he messages me saying "FATAL LAG. plz go out". Which was funny, because the games were totally lag free. He was Jap too - I didn't think they'd be the kind to make excuses. At least there was no obscene language typical of our friends on the other side of the Atlantic. I did actually leave at that point. Felt sorry seeing his grade take such a pounding. I'm too soft really.


                    Speaking of lag: I found a little tip that might boost online speeds a little bit. My PC and 360 are connected to the net using a powerline network adaptor (let's you run a network using your electrical wiring) as my 360/PC are in the loft and the cable modem/router and downstairs.

                    So I didn't have to keep swapping the powerline adaptor between the 360 and PC all the time, I bought a cheap network switch from (about a tenner). Now the 360 & PC plug into the switch, the switch into the powerline adaptor.

                    I don't know why, but for some reason this has boosted my download speeds! Before I was usually getting around 400k per sec but since adding the switch I've been able to get up to 600k per sec! I don't know if this would work for all network types, but if you're getting a lot of lag it might be worth trying it.


                      well,i doubt i'll be playing this much anymore.Turned it on tonight,after a 4 day hiatus,only to find that i'm not getting any vibration/feedback from the controller when i play online matches.

                      So i checked my personal settings,which states 'Vibration enabled',then i try playing the single player modes and the vibration is still present there.Which makes me think it must be the wired controller that i'm using.So i switch it with my wireless,but the problem is still there.

                      Now i know some of you are using the hori stick,and you don't get any vibration with that,but i just can't play for **** without the vibration/feedback.It completely ruins my flow.I got beaten by 4 different cheap ****s,'cause i just was'nt 'feeling' it man.I was getting seriously pissed off!

                      So,i don't really know what to do about this.There does'nt seem to be a way to fix the issue,which is even more annoying.If this is another one of TN's dirty bug's then they better sort it out with the upcoming patch.Otherwise it's my 360 thats at fault.Hmmmmm


                        Hazuki man you need to come play with me - All the best matches I've had have been with you and I've gone RIGHT off the boil with this game for some reason - to the extent I barely want to switch it on now.

                        Yesterday I got the 20 consecutive losses achievement ft:

                        My mate was over at the weekend and he lost horribly all over the shop - he destroyed my grade but it should never have got to 20 - I was responsible for the last 6 or 7 of those.

                        Before weekend - A- with 25000+ GP's
                        Now - B with about 15000 GP's

                        Sickened - was topped off yesterday when a young (14/15) Welsh boy with almost Boris-Level lag kicked my head in after going on throughout the fight about how I couldn't slag him if he lost because it was his first time - After the fight my pad was on the floor and my foot was raised ready to stomp the **** out of it - It was at that point I figured my DOA run had come to its natural conclusion

                        Can't counter ****, keep getting the piss taken when I use block, can't throw.

                        I dunno what has happened - And I dunno if my pad normally vibrates when I play - You say you checked the dash settings but did you check in-game just in case ?

                        Gutted smiley ?


                          I fancy a revivial session tonight, get you back on the rails Yoshi playing with the boys again. Amgonna be on from about 5.30 till 7 then back on at 9 and even though Guilty Gear keeps calling my name I am determined to get some Live DOA on the go tonight, need to break that A- barrier then never play it again so I stay there, hehehe.


                            Yoshi:Is there a way to check the vibration status in-game,apart from the personal settings in the xbox guide?? Just does'nt make any sense! The game feels soooo horrible without the vibration.

                            Oh,and i'm not staying away from this game...'cause i can't! so get your ass online yoshi and we'll see what we can do about this bad-spell of yours 8)


                              It got even worse for me, I was an A+ with 60,000 odd points and I ended up an A- with 40,000. I just got bored of the game and my skill just sort of vanished overnight along with my enthusiasm for it. I sold it on yesterday and have gone back to good old GGX2#R on my PS2, can't beat it. Ah well it was fun while it lasted.


                                Originally posted by dogsout
                                It got even worse for me, I was an A+ with 60,000 odd points and I ended up an A- with 40,000. I just got bored of the game and my skill just sort of vanished overnight along with my enthusiasm for it. I sold it on yesterday and have gone back to good old GGX2#R on my PS2, can't beat it. Ah well it was fun while it lasted.
                                see,i can't stop playing this game.I think it's brilliant.Easily the best online fighter(not hard)and picking your character randomly allways makes things more interesting.

                                Seriously,i will be playing this for a long,long time.As long as the community stays healthy.

