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Dead or Alive 4

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    Originally posted by bignige
    A+, yeah dawgs!!
    Welcome to the fighting elite. Nice to have you on board.


      Originally posted by bignige
      A+, yeah dawgs!!
      Sly-dog more likely - I'll be looking for you online later need to get my rank together again.


        I hooked my Xbox 360 directly into my upgraded 10 meg (that sounded sooooo good until I heard of 24 meg ) cable modem, and I still got laggy games with some bloke I played yesterday, even though the connection was supposed to be three green bars! He was only in Belgium, so it's not like he was THAT far away.

        Hopefully 10 meg will be enough to make sure I hardly ever have a laggy game against people from the UK from now on.


          I played some matches yesteday, when we were playing with 4 players in total there was almost no lag.... and then 2 more joined and it was terrible, I love the game but online it's a bit of a let down because of all the lag.
          I hope they can sort it out to make it run better....


            The game I played with the bloke from Belgium had noticable (but not terrible lag) and it was usually just me and him in the room. Another person joined a couple of times, but it didn't seem to affect the speed too much. Sometimes the green bar speed indicator seems to have no relation to the actual speed you get


              yeah, I didn't want to sound to negative, I just hoped it would run just as smooth as PGR3, PDZ, etc. I was playing in a really good group (and it's these moments that I really like this game), and then the lag kicked in, so that's quite annoying, but after a lot of looking for a game without lag I've found a group of swedisch players, I've joined them (5 player total) and there was no lag at all, the fighting was great,
              I need to find a game sometime against one you guys, and see how I stand..(or fall...)


                The worst game I've played lag wise is Ridge Racer 6. Doesn't help that I'm useless at that (One day I'll find a game I'm good at ) but sometimes that thing moves at about 5 frames a second when I play it online! Superb when it's lag free though.

                I don't think your on my friends list (I lose track of ppl I've added from this forum!) so I'll add you and we can have a game some time. I think you'll find that you'll probably stand more often than you fall against me


                  Originally posted by HumanEnergy
                  The worst game I've played lag wise is Ridge Racer 6. Doesn't help that I'm useless at that (One day I'll find a game I'm good at ) but sometimes that thing moves at about 5 frames a second when I play it online! Superb when it's lag free though.

                  I don't think your on my friends list (I lose track of ppl I've added from this forum!) so I'll add you and we can have a game some time. I think you'll find that you'll probably stand more often than you fall against me
                  Human - When you played the Belgian who was winning ? You know that the winner is the host yes ?

                  Regarding Ridge Racer 6 it's because you've got file sharing switched on - even if your PC is off this'll **** up RR6 online - switch it off at the dashboard before you boot the game.

                  DOA4 is the best online fighting game ever - people don't seem to appreciate the need for the data packets to get from one box to the next ASAP to maintain a smooth game - The 360 can't compensate by guessing your next move like it can in COD2/PGR3/PD0 etc to ensure you don't see any lagging.


                    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                    Ridge Racer 6 it's because you've got file sharing switched on - even if your PC is off this'll **** up RR6 online - switch it off at the dashboard before you boot the game.
                    Yep, I've played a lot of RidgeRacer 6 at a mates house and it runs without any problems, great fun!
                    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                    DOA4 is the best online fighting game ever - people don't seem to appreciate the need for the data packets to get from one box to the next ASAP to maintain a smooth game - The 360 can't compensate by guessing your next move like it can in COD2/PGR3/PD0 etc to ensure you don't see any lagging.
                    DOA4 really is an excellent game, and I do appreciate it, I have no idea about the technical stuff how it works online... I don't mind some minor lag, and I know that playing online can sometimes have problems with lag..... but when it's going like 5fps it can start getting quite annoying....


                      I hardly ever get lag and when I do it's the other guys fault !!!

                      Always look at it like that - And don't invite Boris to your session - If you think 5fps is bad you ain't seen nothing !!


                        Ah yes, I was being my usual stella self so the Belgium bloke won those matches, thus he was the host. I think you're right about DOA4 as well. I usually get lag free games more often than I get laggy games, so I am guilyt of being a bit quick to jump on the "let's moan about the laggy game I just had!" bandwagon.

                        Just checked my settings and I'm currently not connected to my PC, but I think the last time I played RR6 I probably was. I'll give it a go without being connected and see if that makes a difference. Cheers for the info!


                          Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                          I hardly ever get lag and when I do it's the other guys fault !!!

                          Always look at it like that - And don't invite Boris to your session - If you think 5fps is bad you ain't seen nothing !!
                          LOL, yeah good advice, but I it already never came to my mind that it could me my fault....

                          and thanks for the advice not to play Boris... but if he is isn't any good I still give it a shot (I need to get my ranking up)...


                            Yup, just played four races on RR6, just as smooth as playing in one player! Amazing the little things that can make such a huge difference to the speed!

                            Now that I have my 10mpbs connection up and running, I refuse to believe it's my fault whenever there's lag either BTW, ThaForce, I sent you a friends request on Xbox Live, so hopefully we can have a few lag free fights soon!


                              Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                              Sly-dog more likely - I'll be looking for you online later need to get my rank together again.
                              Bring it on Yoshi!
                              I had a few good fights against Moodmon last night, even managed to win a few against him - although the downside being I lost 15,000 points on a bit of a losing streak! I'm now at 70,000 points. I don't want to lose my A+ ranking!!


                                I lost mine - All's fair. You just lit up like a Xmas Tree on my GP radar

                                Refuse to play this game after a drink now - It can destroy you.....

