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Dead or Alive 4

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    *cracks knuckles* ft:


      *Rubs Eyes*

      Gonna put my dressing gown & slippers on for the big fight tonight then - Get the hood up so I'm fully "in teh zone" 8)

      Bring it on fellas. Fight Club tonight.


        Hehehe, dressing gown with hood up, brilliant!!

        Am heading to the gym just now for a final sparring session then a sauna to limber up... will need to pick up some bandage for wrapping round my hands aswell as ran out last night while playing Fight Night Demo

        I aint collecting anything other than some heads for my mantlepiece, hehe.

        Cant beat a bit of bull**** talk before a big fight

        *Does the splits then immediately into a backward somersault for warm-up*
        Last edited by Mardigan8; 21-02-2006, 16:01.


          Come on Tha Force I see you lurking - you get yer ass online tonight too !


            What time do you girls usually play?


              Tomorrow I'll try to be online and show ya all the true meaning of pain !!


                Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                Come on Tha Force I see you lurking - you get yer ass online tonight too !
                LOL, I try to, but I'm afraid I can't make it this evening (I sometimes have to give my girlfriend the feeling she's more important then my games....)

                I will love to smack you around .... we'll see if I can make it maybe later this evening..


                  For anyone who might think otherwise: Not playing for three or four weeks, then jumping online with Hazuki X is not a good idea at all.

                  Still, enjoyed tonight's games despite embarassing myself to the Nth degree by being absolutely ****e. I will practice one day! And then you'll all be scared...

                  (Oh, Hazuki...sorry for cheering Yoshi on when he was fighting you. All in jest, I assure you! )


                    one day i will win more than one round

                    one day

                    remember that an expensive joystick does not make you good (as i have found out tonight)


                      Originally posted by Keith
                      (Oh, Hazuki...sorry for cheering Yoshi on when he was fighting you. All in jest, I assure you! )
                      i can't hear you 'cause my headset has'nt been working so,i've turned the voices down.

                      But it does'nt bother me man.It's all part of the fun! 8)


                        As expected, my pre-match ramblings got me into trouble last night, cause Hazuki certainly brought his A game. Couple times it came down to the last hit with the rounds at 2-2 but he came out on top in the end.... the boy can BOX, with any ****en character!!

                        Got oh so close with my tricky Brad but sadly it wasn't enough and I think I kinda panicked when realised I needed just one hit to seal, spamming low kick whcih eventually got reversed for the finisher.

                        Absolutely superb games though man and hopefully be on for some more tonight. Good to see you back on Keith and hopefully we can get some games this week without Hazuki destroying us all, hehe. Credit given where its due, he knows this **** inside out, every character, combo throws, Multi part reversals (Ryus piledriver for example)... he nails it all and it REALLY hurts when he does

                        Anyway, I will be back for more and am gonna do a wee bit more work on each character so the random selection doesn't **** me up so much iwth some people. You make sure you are on again soon Hazuki... I WANT YOU


                          Yer very good games and a mightily on form Hazuki brought the house down for sure - Managed to scrape a couple of wins and a few fights went RIGHT to the wire (as it should be) - I can't believe I've got the 100 hours achievement - I can't have played for that long ???

                          Oh aye - thanks for the silver star too Hazuki - Only got the gold to get now


                            Aye, now that I've remembered that there are games outside of Ridge Racer I should be on more. Didn't get to stay on too long last night unfortunately.

                            Still, I really enjoyed what I did play, despite having it handed to me every single match. I was so close to scraping a win against Hazuki though, and I would've gotten so many points if I'd managed it!

                            Oh, and the matches that I watched with Yoshi and Hazuki playing were ****ing amazing! *Need practice NOW!*


                              Had some cracking games last night, random games have yet to cease to be a source of great amusement, also found out that DOA listens to your speech and grants your requests.

                              One match "I hate using Brad, I'd rather use Bass"
                              Next match "Arrgh, ****ing Bass"


                                I love using Brad... granted he can sometimes get into some silly situations like missing a punch and having his back to the opponenent but I like his stance changes and he is proving quite useful for me... Zack is one I just cant get to grips with and Ein, is he a power fighter is he about speed I just cant work out how best to use him.

                                Chrisitie and Brad are my fighters of choice, sadly this random character stuff rarely turns them out for me, but it does make the fights A LOT more interesting

                                Hopefully be on tonight from about 6 for a wee hour or so.
                                Last edited by Mardigan8; 22-02-2006, 11:23.

