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Dead or Alive 4

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    Maybe, maybe not Been on some good form of late.

    Looking forward to it - you on tonight ? Gonna play some COD2 as well (you're welcome to join) so will see you online.


      I'll be on later today, hopefully with a working order xbox! You did seem good yesterday yoshi have to say. You were pretty much carrying me in our tag matches!


        Im getting Better every day on this. Managed to Scalp Moodmon and Bignige a few times, had Dcmk against the ropes once.....

        Only had it a week and if i keep hammering it online y'all better watch your backs !

        Specially Mood and Yoshimax, possibly BigRacist aswell.


          Im getting Better every day on this. Managed to Scalp Moodmon and Bignige a few times, had Dcmk against the ropes once.....

          Only had it a week and if i keep hammering it online y'all better watch your backs !

          Specially Mood and Yoshimax, possibly BigRacist aswell.
          Certainly did, but the experience shone though and lead me to glory , i did actually think you had me, just kept pressing buttons to stop you kicking me and jammed the win. but you have got alot better, cant believe you were c- or c+,


            Aye that's the thing - Helmet you should be away playing with your fellow C-Rankers not whoring us lot for 1000 points a pop ya bandit

            And yeah I was on some sort on ninja form last night - there were times where it was almost zen like at the beginning of the night.

            I suspect normal service will resume tonight now that I've thrown the gauntlet at Hazuki - I fully expect a sore batty as a result.


              damn... I won't be able to join the battle this evening!
              I would love to get some points from the A players this evening (when I have a lucky win with some cheap tricks...)
              I hope to be on tomorrow and/or thursday evening.



                That is all


                  Fck,another disconnect that was'nt my fault.Played some A+ ranked person named DEATH HEAD,and he picked bayman so i thought i'd get my leon out on him.Long story short,i beat him bad.So bad in fact that,in the last round,he did something i've never seen before.I thought he had just quit the game but he did'nt leave,instead my name was replaced with one of the spectator's and i was put into watch mode

                  I could'nt move anything,obviously they could'nt either 'cause i sat there for a good 5 minutes trying to figure what the hell was going on while both fighters were idle.So i thought i'll just go back to the lobby,seeing as i've magically become a spectator.But i could'nt even bring up that option.I was pressing start and all it was doing was making the screen flash.WTF!? i could of sat it out,and waited until it resolved itself but it's like 4am,and i'm not really in the mood.

                  So i bring the guide up and return to the dashboard,then reboot the game.Only to find that one more disconnect has been added to my list of 3.Well thanks alot you asshole! So he goes through all the trouble of stitching my over in the last round because he does'nt want to lose a few precious points,but when it comes down to it,i'm the one who gets penalised! where's the logic in that? i was half tempted to send him a ****ty message,but pricks like that are'nt worth it.

                  Anyway,just to assure you all even though i now have 4 disconnects,i'm not a all.First 3 were from my connection crapping out,and of course my latest one courtesy of bollock head

                  But good games last night everyone...........and er,team Yoshimax - Hazuki FTW!


                    Edit:double post


                      Today - 5:20am

                      Great games last night - Was loving it - Played far too much of this game the last two nights and can see myself doing the same tonight.

                      Hazuki - hopefully the patch will fix these woes !!!

                      Gerry's rank is progressing nicely - B- and rising quickly and got myself back into the A club last night (no more 1000 points for a win against Hazuki though )

                      Team Yoshi A-Go-Go Baby !


                        why are assholes like that even playing games online ?! they want to show off with their A+ ranking and when they have to fight a true A ranked player and their ass is about the get kicked... they cheat !! damn bastards !! Same **** that ruined Halo2 online.... cheating kids that can't fight like men !
                        I'd rather be a true D player than a cheating A player, their only kidding themselves.

                        But I'll rember that Death Head name so when I see him I'll avoid him or load him with negative feedback !


                          I actually found that "stalking" can really rub these people up - basically, when/if they quit you go to your players list, pick them then do "join session in progress" - I followed an A rank about for 3/4 lobbies and have a couple of nasty voice messages he sent me as a result was well worth it coz every time I kicked his ****in' ass.


                            yea whoop his ass,or just avoid the idiot.Really annoy's me,'cause i completely schooled him with leon.Multi part throws destroyed him


                              What characters are you guys using?? I've noticed that most people i play online only use Ryu or Hayate and it pisses me off because i find those 2 the most difficult to fight against! Saying that i think i really need to practice a lot more coz i'm really inconsistant, i love the game i just wish i was better at it!


                                random all the way fantazmo.I just can't pick one character,i'd rather be suprised.

