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Dead or Alive 4

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    With XBL E3 goodness, I'd forgotten about it! What makes it all the more surprising was I'd kicked both Yoshi & Dcmk's ass proper that night!!
    You gotta lose sometime, I could've done without it being an F though! Forget about the shame, what about the points?!! I could cry!!!

    Anyone fancy a beating in a bit?


      Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh BRING IT!


        Aye let's do it - Want to catch the apprentice final so before that ?


          what time is the apprentice on?


            9 buddy - sorry when you message'd me I thought you were questioning why I was going to watch that instead of hanging around for the bruisings.

            Top marks to DCMK who was absolutely blazing last night - superb performances.

            Was a pity that program was on - first time the five of us "regulars" have had a wee lobby to ourselves in quite a while ! Must do it again soon !


              Yosh, after you left - the very next game, DCMK killed me in record time! Must've been 10 seconds per round!


                That boy's got game at the minute !

                I say we take him down a peg or two


                  I noticed you all were running away like little girls when you saw ThaForce was ready to kick butt...... chickens.....

                  I had some good fights with Hazuki.... till he got warmed up and smacked my ass all around the place... that was some excellent fighting from him !


                    TheForce, I think it was more to do with the final of "The Apprentice" being on TV last night at 9pm....


                      surprised myself yesterday couple of games 2-0 down and somehow done, akira got screwed over a few times

                      does anyone like playing each other here, find everyone far too difficult now..every time now that i win, i'm swearing as to who i'll have to fight next. nige has got alot better..hating those backflip kicks..ft:


                        Yer we've upped our games for sure. I'd rather play with you lot now than randoms - The cheesy Ryu ****er that did me last night - I was foaming at the mouth with his cheap ass ****.


                          As i said last night,brilliant performance from DCMK.You've just become prime target though buddy! 8) You could just tell he was in the zone,by the way he was hammering the start button to get to the next round.

                          Yoshi & Bignige,it was a shame to see ya leave so early,but it was understandable.Hopefully we can all get on again soonish,as i think we've all balanced out really well.

                          Oh and top stuff ThaForce


                            Anybody about tonight for an hour or 2?!


                              I hope to find some time late this evening, depends what that woman that lives in my house is doing...


                                Sounds interesting Tha Force - what are the options for what she could be doing ?

                                I'll be at home tonight so I'll pop on at some point !

