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The NTSC TDU Car Club

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    Originally posted by Tankshell
    Someone from inside the club sends you an invite, it appears in the news section of your house; you can then accept or decline the invite! I'll send you one in a bit mate if you haven't already got one...
    That would be great if you could send me one mate.


      Originally posted by Silvergun X
      Should be mate! Send friends list invite and i'll send you a club invite.
      Cheers! I've sent a friends list request but your friends list is full!


        Where do I find the club house please on the map ?

        Also I've had two offers in game of races but cannot work out how to accept them. I just end pressing B to cancel after pushing every other button to start the race and failing or do I just wait for it to start ?

        Originally posted by Silvergun X
        Or you go to the club house, go to view people on your friends list and request to join their club.
        Last edited by Unwell Cat; 13-09-2006, 20:41.


          "A" button to accept a challenge.

          Clubhouse is in the south-west(ish) area of the map.


            If everything is going like it should, I receive the game this saturday. I'm looking forward to get going with this.


              Ooh could one of you lot send me an invite please?!


                is they a reason why i can not access the tdu server
                Last edited by DUKENUKEM2UK; 17-09-2006, 00:14.


                  So, what can we do with this club then ? Can we race rival clubs / setup races as such ? Are there championships we can take part in or anything ?


                    In a car club, you can arrange friendly races with other club members, or up to 4 members at a time can team-race against another club.


                      Please could some one help to join the Test Drive Unlimited server checked my NAT in xbox live which is Moderate is they any way to change this as i think this may be the problem


                        Who's your ISP ? If it's BT/Telewest or NTL I'd just phone them and they'll sort it for you over the phone - Dunno about any others !!!


                          I am with NTL what should i ask them to do when i ring them as this is the only game i have had trouble with when it comes to online play


                            The club is completely full, guys.

                            We can't accept any more invites. I'm not sure if another NTSC-UK club can be set up somewhere.


                              I got it now for a week and it's great ! I saw the NTSC-UK club was full,
                              I'll start up a new club as soon as I have the $$$ for it...
                              but first I have to get myself a new Saleen and a McLaren


                                Originally posted by Silvergun X
                                The club is completely full, guys.

                                We can't accept any more invites. I'm not sure if another NTSC-UK club can be set up somewhere.
                                Oh man, its fecking chrome hounds all over again Ah well atleast this has more of a single player game to enjoy, so who needs your club

