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Crackdown Co-op List O' doom

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    I think it was supposed to work. It was said that invites could be sent prior to the game being played.


      Gutted, you still trying?


        I am, and having no luck whatsoever.

        Guess we'll have to wait until they fix!


          Uch well, at least we tried. I'm off to play it myself then. What mental stuff has anyone managed to do? I am really loving it but feel at times the radar and controls are holding me back, probably just need to get used to it a bit more.


            Put me down.


              LOVIN this!

              Put me down!


                Sorry about his morning Boris, I woke up late. Up for some mindless action tonight though before Lost Planet.


                  Oh man Silvergun you had my hopes up last night for getting the co-op going.

                  It's screwed then till we get the full thing ? Damn shame as I stuck on co-op with a random and it was so lag free it was scary


                    I'm in. This game will be awesome.

                    The future of 1p gaming is quite definitely co-op.


                      Originally posted by Soi View Post
                      The future of 1p gaming is quite definitely co-op.
                      If we're talking gun games that is, which I'm more than fed up with now. This sounds like fun though.


                        I'll def be up for this on co-op when the proper game comes out, pity the demo was such a let down in that area!


                          Let me get this straight. How many people can join a game & play together (in the full game)? Surely it's not just coop? 4vs4? 8vs8? 16vs16?!!


                            2 co-op

                            Somebody was murmuring about a downloadable deathmatch mode dunno how true that is though !


                              That was I, they are planning on a 16 player deathmatch mode as DLC, but they don't know if it should be free or not.


                                Who wants to tag along with me tonight (thursday?). I only want to play the demo once a night so I don't become sick of it, however unlikely that may seem at the moment.

                                Usually when I kill my team mates by accident I can't apologise enough, on this I'm just constantly "LOLz0RDZXD!!" as Yoshi will tell you.

                                Last nights' episode ended on a cliff hanger as Yoshi had 30 seconds to find a small car before the demo ran out...

                                "OMGz Dave!! Look at this!!"

                                I turn around and see him holding a small SMART car type. Then we get booted.

