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Gears of War LEAGUE : Signup and Information

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    Originally posted by Cuckooo View Post
    I got the highest score in that game, I got 456.

    Also quick question; you never stated (in the OP) which gametype we should be playing, we ended up playing Execution and it was quite good fun.
    Thanks for the info.

    Apologies, yes execution. I thought it was a given since most of us always play execution and also because of the bleedout time discussion but I apologise for that and have added it to the very top of my original post in the thread.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      I agree with you Rossco, it'll happen to every team once (or a few times) and I think it adds to the drama of a frentic league game. I'm happy to go either way but given the choice I'd rather just keep teams of 4 with no reserve.

      Oh and Rusty mate, if you think that a 4 vs 3 is unfair, then you can't have played this game much. 4 vs 3 is winnable, quite easily if you're good at the game. How many times have you been on a team that has been killed of quickly and been left at 1 vs 4, only for your guy to win the round. I've done it a few times, Nige did it in a game the other day with us too.

      I think it all adds up to an enjoyable and frenetic match personally. If you can't make a game fair enough, but fight through the pain and lets get on it, bugger reserves
      it happens but on average the numbers will come into play...

      if people are going to be sticklers about this then I'd say we go back to someone dropping out to even the teams. Its me who's going to the trouble of making sure theres more chance of finding a suitable time for us all. This isnt the same as someone not turning up, this isnt the same as someone electing to go ahead one down before every possibility has been explored. After all this **** it still might end up with just me turning up

      I think the tag 'reserve' is getting in the way. One option is when we arrange the fixture I state the 4 players to be involved. If its going to have to stick with 4 and we'll be forced to play with less then thats going to limit the possible time for us to play to Sunday evenings only.


        Originally posted by RustyS Badge View Post
        After all this **** it still might end up with just me turning up
        ...and I reserve the right as league creator to alter fixtures to mean it's my team that are against you that night!!

        As much as it's serious, it's also a bit of fun. Although our opposition lost 10-3 with three men, nobody was pissed off and we had an excellent laugh. I don't think anybody is taking it seriously enough to be that bothered about being a man down, that's another reason I don't feel it's neccessary to get a fifth man in each team.

        Let's just see how this first set of fixtures go. Personally speaking, as my team's captain I don't want a fifth member, I'd rather just keep tabs of three people (and myself obviously) and play with 3 vs 4 if need be. I don't need another person to keep tabs of!

        If we come into trouble then we can always add reserves, or a reserve to the league no problem. But all this is hypothetical so let's at least get the first lot of matches out of the way before we change anything else at this stage, ok?


          Originally posted by Jebus View Post
          ...and I reserve the right as league creator to alter fixtures to mean it's my team that are against you that night!!

          As much as it's serious, it's also a bit of fun. Although our opposition lost 10-3 with three men, nobody was pissed off and we had an excellent laugh. I don't think anybody is taking it seriously enough to be that bothered about being a man down, that's another reason I don't feel it's neccessary to get a fifth man in each team.

          Let's just see how this first set of fixtures go. Personally speaking, as my team's captain I don't want a fifth member, I'd rather just keep tabs of three people (and myself obviously) and play with 3 vs 4 if need be. I don't need another person to keep tabs of!

          If we come into trouble then we can always add reserves, or a reserve to the league no problem. But all this is hypothetical so let's at least get the first lot of matches out of the way before we change anything else at this stage, ok?
          we'll sort something out. Like I said dont look at it as being a fifth or reserve member. All it does is give us the oppurtunity to be able to organise games during the week too.. for the opponents sake more thn anything.


            blimey, I've never been quoted so much!
            In hindsight (with most sports) we should've chosen a sub - at the time it was difficult enough to get 4 organised - and nobody wants to sit out a game, but I suppose that would be why we have captains - to make that decision.
            In the spirit of fairness, I think getting a full team would be best. Have a sub, as long as he doesn't play for another team. I know I'd feel better playing against 4 than 3.
            Anyways, I'm keeping me head down, me & yoshi have the Manchester/Bradford under 16's massive after our blood!


              The important thing is that people have a laugh, and that we all set some good/close games in.

              I really enjoyed our 1st match, and I hope to enjoy the others.

              I don't think there is wrong with a bit of flexibility with teams. As long as people are reasonable about it and both teams think it is fair. Recruiting hired guns from other teams would be a bit much, but getter random mates off your friends list to fill in isn't a big deal in my opinion.


                Originally posted by Soi View Post
                but getter random mates off your friends list to fill in isn't a big deal in my opinion.
                thats definitely the way I'd like to look at it. If someone lets you down or for some unforseen reason cant make it just grab someone else


                  Fair enough but not until this weeks fixtures have been done, then we're all square.

                  I would like to set a maximum "randoms" limit of 2 people though, that way you must get at least TWO of your team-mates in a match. Otherwise there is no point having teams a tall.

                  Starting as of fixture week 2 you can use up to 2 friends NOT in your team but ONLY if the rest of your team cannot make a single date that could be arranged.

                  Sound ok?


                    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK View Post
                    Hazuki you make it for 8 tonight ? Wheela ? Where's TonyDA said he'd take part and never been seen/heard from since ???

                    If he or another ain't about we'll be having your spare man or may recruit somebody at random !
                    i'm there,i'm there


                      seeing as we're discussing 'randoms' what about acquiring a player from another team to step in? or is that stepping over the line?


                        I think that would be easier to be honest. As long as there's no kamikazying involved to cheat teams out of wins!

                        Because it may be difficult for us to get more players now that we've started it all!


                          Yeah because it's a conflict of interests Crisp. You can't play for another team if you are in a team!!

                          Why don't we just carry on as we are anyway! Out of the two games NO PROBLEMS have been reported and everyone has enjoyed it, why do we need to change things at all!


                            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                            it's a conflict of interests
                            i just wanna play gears with the boys.... more games = more happy


                              I know what you mean and I can't see why everyone feels the need to pick faults and change things...can't everyone just play their matches? As I said, four teams have done that, enjoyed it very much and not moaned or wanted to change anything.

                              Can't everyone just play? Seriously! At least lets give it a few weeks before people start complaining and wanting changes.

                              It's kinda frustrating, lets just get it on!!


                                Good point, keep it the same until round 1 is over anyway!

                                So is the next team we play different, or the same team but swap the home/away status this time?

