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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    I think I have the first pack, but not the second. No bother anyway, I'm more than happy to pick up anything that I don't already have.


      some small 4vs4 games on our own private room would be nice. I'm not up for playing strangers per se.


        I know it's sort of gone dead now but I found it really enjoyable before and I'm not really a fan of big online games like this.

        In fact, the only bad memories I have of the game is when I was on the same team as tbm and he had the flag which made him look like he was on the enemy team so I fired a couple of rockets at him. He responded with what must of been a 10 minute swear bomb containing words that I couldn't quite make out but I'm guessing that it wasn't friendly, effectionate swearing.

        I've not been able to look at the game again without having heart pains and crying for three hours!

        They don't mention this stuff before you sign up do they? No, join the army and see the world they say, no bloody mention of post traumatic stress or the bouts of tbm syndrome that hit me from time to time.


          id be up for warhawk too

          Think im sergant major rank on it, not played it for month or so but used to be pretty good

          PSN Tag is R3ECE82


            Just booted this up to see if there were any more updates and realised that I'm not in the Clan any more due to my new ID.

            Hoolak, are you still Landos_Dad for your Hawking? If you are can you please replace my old Evolution-One tag with JohnParry and send me a clan invite?

            If you're not interested then shall we have a new clan for here as almost everybody has either left or is new now?

            Aaw, my stats haven't carried across to my new one so I'll have to start again. I still have a load of the extra skins though.


              I want to play! we should organize a small room gosh darnit etc and other such sayings


                I should have this tomorrow, Wednesday at the latest. I don't want to rush in to buying the expansion packs, but if everyone insists I may have no choice

                So when are we playing this? Wed night at 10 sound good to everyone?

                I better sort out a headset so I can chat....


                  I have absolutely no stats but my Rank is Command Sargent (Woohoo, 6 stripes) which is rank 9 of 20 and 25000 combat points. I hardly played it and seem to remember that I earned about 4 combat points on my old ID.

                  Does anybody know how to reset this? If I delete my save does anybody know if it will affect the expansion packs? I don't like having stuff that I've not earned due to the stats problems that were in the game before but I really don't want to lose the DLC.


                    I thought all that was fixed ages ago? Not sure what my stats are - I did play some ranked back around release but not a huge amount.


                      It was but I've not tried since before it was fixed so I seem to have avoided it. I just had a quick go now but played it offline to try the new maps but maybe it'll reset everything when I have a proper online game?

                      I'm going to back up my saves for the game and see if I can reset my rank and things by doing that.

                      That worked, I'm back to the thoroughly deserved Scum Snuzzle rank again.
                      Last edited by JP; 07-07-2008, 18:10.


                        Just confirmed I have Omega Dawn already, but not Broken Mirror which is only $7.99 to pick up (Only $11.99 for both).

                        I'm a Wingman, apparently.


                          I bought this a month or two ago but all NTSC-UK activity seemed to have gone, so I never got a clan invite - if it's all kicking off again then please send me an invite! I didn't get either of the expansion packs yet... I figured I shouldn't do so until I had sussed out the basic maps properly.

                          PSN name: Darwock

                          I feel pretty hopeless at this (and all other) online games, I have only got to the 3rd rank but somehow I managed to get the warhawk ribbon - first place on winning team! I was well chuffed with that, it was basically down to one lucky incident in a CTF game. Normally I hang back at the base and only defend due to my extreme lack of confidence in a Warhawk.. but this one time, just for a laugh, I flew over to the enemy base - there was nobody there! Grabbed the flag, ran out and for a second miracle one of my team mates was waiting in a jeep. That one capture, plus all the defending I did, got me 1st place. No doubt I'll never get it again!

                          10pm is a tad bit late for me on NTSC-J time, don't suppose anyone has games around teatime, or early evening?


                            Sorry man I'm not usually online until 22 to 22:30pm. I can sometimes squeeze in some time around 19:30 for half an hour if that helps....

                            Game has arrived, I'll get the expansion packs down this evening. So if anyone is around for a game tonight, let me know


                              Yeah, 22:00 is pretty much bang on for me as well. I imagine it'll be busy tonight with 2.41 out - does anyone know if trophy support is in the game already or are we waiting for an update?


                                im up for it, SILENT_MOUNTAIN is my PSN tag add me

