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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    You won't be able to join a game that's full, obviously (Try and pick one that has at least 4/5 slots free otherwise you'll probably find yourself gazumped). Also, you won't be able to join a game that's been in progress for a certain period of time - the sweet spot seems to be 2/3 minutes. Look on the right hand side and make sure the time limit/time remaining are the same or near enough and you'll get in 100% of the time.


      Well up for a few games of this so please add me to your friends list everyone! PSN name is spur


        Has anything changed on the game? It now says I can do 16 players.

        (I have tweaked the ADSL with Soi's help, so that maybe why)


          We need to get a game on sometime!


            I'm picking this up later today so please add me to your friends lists, I'm normally on between 21:00 and 24:00.

            Tag - Unwell Cat
            Last edited by Unwell Cat; 09-11-2007, 12:42.


              Just bought this secondhand - so far I've only had time to play around on a local server & familiarise myself with the controls, but it's looking good. I'll dive into some online play now - if anyone wants to add me to their buddylist I'm *Strolls*.


                add me
                yes to voice comms


                  Anyone still playing this? I should have it middle of next week, US version, and I'm really looking forward to playing it. I've been keen to play this since the first screenshots.


                    I've been eying up the the add-on double pack that appeared on the store a few weeks back, might get back into it at some point in the near future.


                      I just got back into it, actually, so I'll be willing to play if anyone's on it. Especially so if I get to use the two content packs, which I hardly get to play.

                      I've had the game since launch and I've only just been promoted to Airman 1st Class (third rank) because it took me so long to get enough points in a round to qualify for that badge that it requires. Now I'm working my way up to 1,250 or whatever it is for the next one. Considering that it's taken me 12 hours to get to 900, it could be a while

                      PSN: NekoFever


                        I'll be up for some too, aint played in a long time. I can't stand playing just anyone either.


                          Quick response, must be a good game! I'll post when I get it. As I'm 99% sure it's the US version, I'll have to setup a US account to get the mappack I believe, or can I buy it from the UK store and that'll work fine? If I have to use a US account, does that mean I have to be logged in to the US account to use the map pack, or will it work on my UK account as it's still the same PS3. Hope some of that made sense


                            Not played it for ages, I've got the two expansion packs and I don't think I've played them yet. I'll be up for a few games too.


                              Originally posted by Chain View Post
                              Quick response, must be a good game! I'll post when I get it. As I'm 99% sure it's the US version, I'll have to setup a US account to get the mappack I believe, or can I buy it from the UK store and that'll work fine? If I have to use a US account, does that mean I have to be logged in to the US account to use the map pack, or will it work on my UK account as it's still the same PS3. Hope some of that made sense
                              I'm pretty sure you'll need to get the US DLC for the US game. It's like that with most of the PS3 stuff (Although I think Rock Band is region free).

                              I'd love an excuse to play some more of this though, particularly with a group of friends. Can imagine it's pretty rough going out there now.


                                It would need to be the use expansion as accidentally bought the wrong one before and it wouldn't let me use it.

