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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    Could i join the clan/server? I played a few of you guys during the halo 3 beta and you guys were cool.


      Ack, keep getting timeout errors.


        I had to reboot my pS3 to get rid of timeout errors. Couldnt join rustys game so have a server up "capcomsuicide" no password.


          I finally managed to get on again last night around 10 ish. Didn't see anyone else about though? But thanks for the Clan invite.

          Probably just as well I didn't play with you guys, what with it being my first game. I didn't have a clue what was going on Seemed to consist of running to a flying doobidge (are they the Warhawks?), then flying to the enemy area and getting shot down by a missile Repeat...


            I had an hour last night from 10pm ish (right after CS ended his game) 1 vs 1 with a RL friend getting some familiararity with the controls and experimenting with the Pro flight option. Really looking forward to our next NTSC game and hoping my headset arrives soon (and works ok!) Last night we were using 360's for voice during the session.


              Originally posted by talizker View Post
              Last night we were using 360's for voice during the session.
              Cool. I had been thinking about using the 360 friends request thing too. As it stands I have 2 options.

              1.) Host private and take the chance for only a few players

              2.) Host public, but then NTSC can't get on when the server is full.

              So if I could have a message system, "Hi is there a space?" I could kick a random and then send an invite.

              But on Warhawk I can't do anything, I can't even see if my friends are online. I don't have the option for "Private slots" and I don't know if people want it.

              Maybe I should keep the 360 on, and then folk can drop me a PM if they need a slot....


              Anyway me Cammo and Rusty had some games for a while and it was ok. But almost no randoms have voice, and without voice and teamwork the game is crap.

              I dunno, these technical issues (I couldn't even logon to the game for 20 minutes and 3 restarts) plus the really poor fuctionality of the PS3 online, are taking the shine off the game for me.

              I hated PC gaming for being unstandardised and taking too much time to setup. Then came XBL, everyone has the same mic, automatic game updates and easy to manage friends list. Now on the PS3 we don't all have standard comms, I don't know if people are online, and even if they are, I can't invite them and it's pissing me off.

              Sorry for the rant. But so far the PS3 is turning out to be a pish system for me and if Sony don't start to improve some of these features then a NTSC unit will be going up in the trading section.


                You are pretty right about the interactions from friends list and stuff,it is woefully underdeveloped.
                Kinda makes me appreciate the fluid interface of the LIVE service and how much I have taken it for granted in the past.
                There should be a parachute power up,i'd love to do some more wing-walking and skydiving from your hawk capcom!


                  Originally posted by analog dog View Post
                  There should be a parachute power up,i'd love to do some more wing-walking and skydiving from your hawk capcom!
                  LOL That was funny. I think we were nearly at stall height when you fell off. I dived at full speed to try and catch you, but alas.....


                    Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                    LOL That was funny. I think we were nearly at stall height when you fell off. I dived at full speed to try and catch you, but alas.....
                    Haha, how I wished I was in this game with a set of binogoggles so I could have watched that

                    Mutliple connection problems last night made me give up on a game and fire up Prison Break... 6 episodes later I hit the hay, what a show.

                    I will def be trying again tonight though, unless Lair arrives


                      I've made clear my feelings regarding Sony's online infrastructure enough times before - it's appalling.

                      I was really enjoying this game until I got my hands on the COD4 Beta and I've barely touched it since - I set that game up last night and there were 3 of us in - switch back to COD4 and I'm in a full lobby with full chat and can easily join my mates in a blink.

                      "It's free" goes out the cry - Well, I don't give a flying **** - it's free specifically because there's no way you could charge for that abomination.

                      On a plus note I saw that Mina No Golf 5 lets you access your XMB friends list from within the game - no idea what the point is due to the Japanese language overload (is there going to be a version 2 of the translation guide with more screens ?) and the game slowed to a crawl in the background whilst it was overlaid but I guess it's a step - no, a shuffle - in the right direction.


                        Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                        "It's free" goes out the cry - Well, I don't give a flying **** - it's free specifically because there's no way you could charge for that abomination.
                        I totally agree, and was discussing this online last night. I'd much rather pay ?40/yr for XBL than get PSN for nothing at this point. My only hope is that there are major improvement in this area with Firmware 2.0.


                          Headet has arrived - yea!


                            Originally posted by talizker View Post
                            I totally agree, and was discussing this online last night. I'd much rather pay ?40/yr for XBL than get PSN for nothing at this point. My only hope is that there are major improvement in this area with Firmware 2.0.

                            Yep. My feeling is that there has been trolling and stuff about the Ps3, but now a fair amount of time in, and with the first "Made for Online" game released in the form of Warhawk, Sony **should** have done better.

                            In a world of time pressure, budget pressure and limited tolarance of putting up with **** design, I feel inclined to give up on my PS3.

                            I've ordered a USB headset and when that comes I'll come back to Warhawk, but as it stands I'm going to take a break I think. I don't want to sell my PS3 as I imagine there will be games that I want to enjoy, but with Warhawk it's far worse than having no games. We get an amazing game crippled by a short sighted approach to online.

                            When the game has no SP mode, then that is a fairly significant failing point.

                            grrrrrr. I'm so hacked off, I better take a break from this thread.


                              Finally got my copy of this so I will be online tonight if you guys are around


                                I agree, the voice issues have really taken the shine off the game for me which is a crying shame as it's a fantastic game really. Also, if someone sends you a message whilst you are playing this ONLINE ONLY game, you can't ****ing retrieve it and reply, you have to quit out, reply, and reload...and repeat! It's indescribably frustrating, do you ruin the game you're playing to reply or appear rude and ignore it til you've finished. It's shocking and I'm praying they adddress this stuff soon before it's too late.

                                Regarding the mic situation, if it's not too loud, it's distorted, or if it's not distorted you can't hear em because it's too's a real pisser and it shouldn't be so badly integrated. UNIVERSAL peripherals are the way forward Sony, not just allowing anyone to use anything because it creates a completely imbalanced inperfect experience.

                                I'd happily pay for the PSN if it were even close to LIVE, but it isn't. It needs addressing because even with games on the horizon for the PS3 they need their online service firing on all cylinders to compete, because nowadays everything is online.

                                I'd aim the same critisicm at the Wii but their online is non-existant.

                                I don't normally mind the PS3 online issues as much because I'm not paying, if I was paying, well, I wouldn't for that service to be honest. But now I've finally got an excellent (Online ONLY game) it's just not good enough.

                                It needs addressing desperately because it's always gonna be **** compared to live, and like it or not Sony need to understand live IS the benchmark and they need to start aiming for that benchmark.

                                I still prefer the PSN store, layout and games etc but everything else regarding "LIVE" as such on the PS3 is just ****ing ****. You've finally got a great game Sony, sort it mate whilst playing Warhawk last night actually said it had made him want to buy a PS3, so you HAVE that first game Sony, sort out your online services.
                                Last edited by Jebus; 05-09-2007, 10:13.

