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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    The NTSC-UK server IS Capcom Suicide's connection at the moment, he hosts most of the matches and also sometimes puts his PS3 as a dedicated server.

    It's not up at the mo, he posts on here when it is.


      password protected i assume?


        Aye, it'll be in here when its up. Nothing stopping you or anyone else doing it if they want as long as they have a capable connection. Hosting 8-12 isnt the most taxing.


          May be on tonight if we are playing


            War is now on! My copy from Movietyme turned up today.
            If someone could send me a clan invite, I'd appreciate it.
            I'm up for a bash tonight, although I don't know what the f**k I'm doing!


              Originally posted by doodledude View Post
              War is now on! My copy from Movietyme turned up today.
              If someone could send me a clan invite, I'd appreciate it.
              I'm up for a bash tonight, although I don't know what the f**k I'm doing!
              Mine arrived too!

              The card box is all mashed up though lol. I'll probably not be able to get on tonight due to having some work to take care of.

              Jebus, could you add me with this Tag please as I'm all UKd up now!

              Could whoever is in charge of the clan please remove mu US one and send me an invite for this too? I've quickly logged in so should be able to accept it when it arrives.
              Last edited by JP; 05-09-2007, 19:17.


                So when does the NTSC madness begin on this?!


                  Warhawk producer Dylan Jobe has acknowledged the problems people are facing (on the US PS forums) and says he's draping his ballbag allover the matter...

                  Originally posted by Dylan Jobe
                  First off -- I want to let all of you know that, contrary to some of the posts here...the team was not sailing around, enjoying the labor day holiday while you all played and earned medals that were ultimately never awarded to you :-)

                  We have been pretty quiet recently as we look to determine the root cause of some of the issues that some players are currently experiencing. Some items we have fixes for, some we are still working on -- probably not the exact response that you wanted to hear, but its at least a status update.

                  The three main issues that we are tracking are:
                  • Stats and Ranking errors, delayed posting, missing stats.
                  • "Connection Failed" or otherwise messed-up join game errors.
                  • Network Drops/Disconnects (we have a fix for these and should be deployed in the next service window)
                  Our team here at Incognito along with our great support team in San Diego were, and continue to be, diligently working on these issues. I want to reassure everyone that while we *have* been quiet these last few days, it is NOT a sign that we are off on some tropical island somewhere...we are hard at work on the big issues.

                  I'm not going to spin it and say "oh....we just had soooo many successful...blah, blah, blah."

                  That's a bulls&*#$t PR answer. The fact of the matter is that, there were some unforeseen issues that occurred once we went live...plain and simple. From here on out, look for far more frequent updates from us...even if its bad news.

                  Lastly, while I appreciate everyone's excitement and feedback. I beg of you please don't call my office :-)

                  My phone number was posted here and in a few other places and while I have had really good conversations with some of you, the team and I need to focus all of our attention on getting you great service...not going though 300 voicemails a day - I do hope you can understand.

                  I'll post update here as they become available.

                  And -- Yes this is Dylan from Incognito...I'm not sure why I'm showing up as "Junior"!!! I need to talk to somebody about that :-)


                    Can anyone actually connect online OK?
                    I keep on choosing to ACCEPT the terms then after trying to connect it says 'Network timeout'.
                    It worked fine about 6pm time, is it just to busy or something? Pretty poor if it is because its too busy.


                      Just set up a private game for some more control familiarity (pissing arround) etc! Dogfight mode at the moment but can change if other are on.

                      Server: ntsc-uk
                      Password: ntsc-uk


                        I can't even long on anymore. ****ing ridiculous!!!


                          Originally posted by doodledude View Post
                          Can anyone actually connect online OK?
                          I keep on choosing to ACCEPT the terms then after trying to connect it says 'Network timeout'.
                          It worked fine about 6pm time, is it just to busy or something? Pretty poor if it is because its too busy.
                          Yup am geting the same thing too.


                            Aye, same here.


                              I got this last night and only got past it following a system reboot. No problems tonight so far...


                                What's the password talizker? Not getting in with ntsc-uk.

