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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    ME Dazzyman - Y to headset just tell us what time you lot are on and will be their.


      Dvdmike - Hold L1 to lock on m8, you basically want that pressed all the time, you can have I think its up to 5 standard miissiles locked (takes about 5 to kill a Warhawk). You want the big I think their callled Tomahawk missiles though (you get 3 top right of dpad) 2 of them will kill full health. Id also reccomend switching to pro controls


        Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
        ME Dazzyman - Y to headset just tell us what time you lot are on and will be their.
        That would be 20.00 - 22.00

        FROM 20.00

        1. CapcomSuicide - Voice Enabled
        2. Evolution-1 - Voice Enabled
        3. TBM - Voice Enabled
        4. Destruktor - Voice Enabled
        5. Spatial101 - Voice Enabled
        6. Dazzyman - Voice Enabled

        FROM 21.00

        7. Tali (from 9PM)
        8. Keith (from 9PM)


        Jebus (1 hour maybe) Voice Enabled
        DVDmike (maybe)
        Dukenukem (maybe)

        If people don't turn up I'll switch to public, but if we get 6 people from the start that will be enough for a laugh on the smaller maps. First in first served, so coming later can mean it's full.

        EDIT. Cleaned it up, so we can see who is on first etc.


        Last edited by capcom_suicide; 03-09-2007, 12:34. Reason: Cleaned up


          Don't have to pick the Mrs up from work tonight so no interuptions and hopefully there will be naff all on TV tonight so should be able to comandeer the TV. Count me in, hopefully with Voice if i can get bluetooth working.

          BTW Whats the difference with Pro controls??


            Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
            Dvdmike - Hold L1 to lock on m8, you basically want that pressed all the time, you can have I think its up to 5 standard miissiles locked (takes about 5 to kill a Warhawk). You want the big I think their callled Tomahawk missiles though (you get 3 top right of dpad) 2 of them will kill full health. Id also reccomend switching to pro controls
            Sweet thanks for that will have a quick play now


              FROM 20.00

              1. CapcomSuicide - Voice Enabled
              2. Evolution-1 - Voice Enabled
              3. TBM - Voice Enabled
              4. Destruktor - Voice Enabled
              5. Spatial101 - Voice Enabled
              6. Dazzyman - Voice Enabled
              7. Mr Fantazmo - Voice Enabled

              FROM 21.00

              8. Tali (from 9PM)
              9. Keith (from 9PM)


              Jebus (1 hour maybe) Voice Enabled
              DVDmike (maybe)
              Dukenukem (maybe)


                Aaahhhhhhhh, I said I was in ages ago I will be on from 9 hopefully and cant wait to some solid NTSC games set-up. Watch out for my Warhawk, it can do loop-de-loop-de-loops.


                  Hi there
                  Can someone send me a clan invite? (Pretty Please)
                  PSN CAMBULL
                  I got a headset too
                  Many thanks.


                    I might be on at some point cap


                      FROM 20.00

                      1. CapcomSuicide - Voice Enabled
                      2. Evolution-1 - Voice Enabled
                      3. TBM - Voice Enabled
                      4. Destruktor - Voice Enabled
                      5. Spatial101 - Voice Enabled
                      6. Dazzyman - Voice Enabled
                      7. Mr Fantazmo - Voice Enabled
                      8. Mardigan8
                      9. Cambull (Analog dog) - Voice Enabled

                      FROM 21.00

                      10. Tali (from 9PM)
                      11. Keith (from 9PM)


                      Jebus (1 hour maybe) Voice Enabled
                      DVDmike (maybe)
                      Dukenukem (maybe)[/quote]

                      Looks like we have an NTSC-uk game on!

                      9 players from the start, 2 from 21.00 and 4 maybes...

                      If the server is down, try again after 2 minutes, it can be we have had to tune some settings.

                      Does anyone have any comments on score limits and times?

                      Gametype - CTF
                      Spawn - 5 sec
                      Team Damage - 50%
                      CTF limit - 5
                      Rounds per map - 2
                      Round Time - 15minutes

                      Also it looks like we will be playing with 6-12 players tonight, does anyone have suggestions on maps/options?


                        You can put the maps on cycle - Just press square to add a map on the setup screen then you select the map from the same screen - it's a bit fiddly at first.


                          CS can you make sure send me a buddy request so I got you on my list and can just fire in from there cheers.


                            Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                            You can put the maps on cycle - Just press square to add a map on the setup screen then you select the map from the same screen - it's a bit fiddly at first.

                            Yep. I had 4 maps on rotation, but I need some help if the settings look good. (Times/score limits/team damage etc)

                            I guess we want the best settings for a 6-12 man experience on CTF.


                              Forgot to mention but I've got my headset sorted as well.


                                Will there be a password?

