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Warhawk - NTSC-UK Clan based action

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    Sounds like there are bugs in the server code then!

    The PS3 was in the spare room, and when our guests went to bed (00:00, oe 23:00 your time) I turned off the machine, as it's loud enough to be a pain when sleeping. On the positive the room was toasty warm!

    Anyway, it was up 19.00 to 23.00 your time so I hope a few of you managed to get a game.

    I can't understand why it would show as full if there was only ever 3 of you on the thing??

    We tried to get a game going friday but never got more than 4.

    With XBL everything feels so much easier...!


      Hopefully it'll get sorted out shortly though...

      Remember the hassle with Resistance at first?


        Aye theirs a heck of a lot of USA peeps going mad about this, majority couldnt get on the official servers at all in peak time yesterday. All saying same thing 25 peeps in a game for 32 but full. Their also seems to be a bug if you click on a friend instead of going in direct it can say the same server is full when its empty I will be on in about 30mins

        Edit sorry bit late going on now (3pm)
        Last edited by Guest; 02-09-2007, 13:54.


          PSN ID: Pirateben
          Voice: No

          Been playing this loads this weekend - saw the NTSC-UK server but it was always showing zero players...


            Originally posted by Jebus View Post
            Trouble is, how? Nobody but Capcom will be able to host more than 4 to 6 people...
            Just checked and I can host 12, if that helps.

            (And, clan invite please. )


              Anyone on tonight at all?


                Ive been on all afternoon m8. Just going in the bath and will be back on around 9pm ish. I still havent got me clan invite


                  Just sent you and Keith an invite...


                    May be on later sometime if I get the chance, got things to do though.


                      It's wierd, I've tried during the day and at night, I've about 25 friends (maybe even 30) but none of them are ever on when I am I've still not properly played this, might have to resort to randoms.


                        I can be on if anyone else is


                          i can host 8
                          sorry guys had to jet you can kick my ass again next time
                          Last edited by dvdmike; 02-09-2007, 21:01.


                            I'd been on it all afternoon from around one to about eight (with a bit of a break in between).

                            I thought it was time I gave it a bit of a rest


                              Excellent fun just now...just a shame that nobody seems to be using the headsets I've heard about 4 people in total whilst playing this game.

                              I love how when you get into the zone in a Warhawk you just can't stop kiling...I love the lock on system, it's superb.

                              I love the tanks as well, possibly more than the Warhawks!

                              Superb game, just wish more people were chatting


                                Originally posted by Jebus
                                I love the tanks as well, possibly more than the Warhawks!
                                Nothing quite like being under fire from a hovering Warhawk, spinning the turret around whilst still driving forward, and blowing them out of the sky.

                                "Don't bother me when I'm in my tank!"

                                There's been some chatty people on some of the ranked servers.

                                There was a blinding game this evening of CTF which involved a coordinated assault on the enemy base with just about everything you can think of. Top entertainment and shows what it can be like when people play properly.

                                We really need some co-ordinated NTSC-uk games to experience this fully as it'll be the usual hit and miss with random peons.

